Huge mysterious stone spheres on Arctic island leave scientists baffled


Large natural balls in the Franz Josef archipelago leave scientists flummoxed. Visitors to this cosmic landscape named the round rocks ‘footballs of the Gods’. The huge stone balls up to two metres in height are found on appropriately-named Champ island above the polar circle. Perfectly spherical they are scattered all over this northern uninhabited outpost. And at first it is hard to believe that they are natural and not made by man, or possibly giants.

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This is where the giants or gods play football / soccer.

Yet the barren 374 km2 (144 sq miles) island was never inhabited and scientists are sure they are not artificial, even if they cannot agree how they were formed.

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As previous reports have noted every geologist seems to have their own theory.

The huge stone balls up to two metres in height are found on Champ island above the polar circle.

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And what is in the center of this strange rock ball?

Similar but smaller stone balls were found last year on Heiss island in the same archipelago.

mysterious stone spheres arctic island, mysterious stone spheres arctic island pictures, mysterious stone spheres arctic island video, mysterious stone spheres arctic island russia
Were these strange round rocks formed underwater?
mysterious stone spheres arctic island, mysterious stone spheres arctic island pictures, mysterious stone spheres arctic island video, mysterious stone spheres arctic island russia
Similar unexplained rock spheres are found in different regions around the world.

Russian polar researcher Viktor Boyarsky said of the extraordinary phenomenon: ‘The spheres are made of soft sand stone. You can see that many large balls fell apart into two big halves, and the largest stone on the island is breaking down year by year.

Konstantin Zaikov, of the Arctic Federal University, said: ‘They look man-made, but they are in fact stones that were formed thousands years ago by crystallisation and subsequent magnetisation of grains of sand onto the crystal. Sand grains harden and create a fairly dense spherical shape.

On Heiss island ‘the spherulites look like round bullets or cannon balls. We found balls of different sizes, but none as big as at Champ island.’

Yet Austrian geologist Sepp Fridhubera claimed the rounded shapes of the rocks were formed underwater and they have an organic core in the centre.

mysterious stone spheres arctic island, mysterious stone spheres arctic island pictures, mysterious stone spheres arctic island video, mysterious stone spheres arctic island russia
A really weird texture.

As previous reports have noted every geologist seems to have their own theory.

mysterious stone spheres arctic island, mysterious stone spheres arctic island pictures, mysterious stone spheres arctic island video, mysterious stone spheres arctic island russia
Scientists are sure the mysterious stone spheres are not artificial, even if they cannot agree how they were formed.
mysterious stone spheres arctic island, mysterious stone spheres arctic island pictures, mysterious stone spheres arctic island video, mysterious stone spheres arctic island russia
The giant balls are found on Champ Island, a 374 km2 (144 sq miles) island that was never inhabited.
mysterious stone spheres arctic island, mysterious stone spheres arctic island pictures, mysterious stone spheres arctic island video, mysterious stone spheres arctic island russia
Visitors to this cosmic landscape named the round rocks ‘footballs of the Gods’. Picture: Russian Arctic

Champ island is named after William S. Champ, a representative of American industrialist William Ziegler who funded a number of pioneering 19th century Arctic explorations. Heiss is a Germanised version of the name Hayes. Isaac Israel Hayes, also American, was an Arctic explorer.

Similar round stones were discovered in Volgograd, New Zealand, China, Bosnia, and South Africa. Another unexplained nature phenomenon in a remote area around the world. WOW! I want to go there!

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The Siberian Times – Where the Gods play football – amazing Arctic island fit for Champions as World Cup reaches climax


  1. 2-alarm ‘suspicious’ fire sweeps through old historic Ensley High School

    There are so many creepy abandoned buildings all over the Earth. Reptilians who own those buildings rarely demolish them. Rather, they keep those rundown buildings for satanic rituals (killing human children for sacrifice). No wonder Galactic Federation of Light burnt down the building.

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  3. Breaking News – Wildfire Swarm in the Okanagan – July 18, 2018 – YouTube

    On this video, you can see many cloudships (Spaceships disguising as clouds). Especially one cloudship starting at 4:12 looks so beautiful. It shapes like a spaceship, doesn’t it? Spaceships of Galactic Federation of Light are busy cleaning up the Earth.

  4. One dead, 50,000 acres burn in Substation Fire
    Northern Oregon southeast of The Dalles

    I know this area. It was more than 10 years ago, but I walked along this Deschutes river right there. What I felt very strange about this area along this river was that there was a nice unpaved road along Deschutes river for tens of miles, but it is only accessible ON FOOT. Who can walk tens of miles along this river? So it is basically this area is OFF LIMIT to people. Only people (of course, reptilians) who can access this area by car are who have access to the key to unlock the gate where is located the State Recreation Area near the highway. Yes, right now, Galactic Federation of Light is cleaning up the Reptilian Secret Underground Base in this area by burning!

  5. These rock spheres are amazing! But NO SNOW or ICE on “Champ island above the POLAR circle” is more amazing! Usually those rock balls are covered by ice and snow. After those ice and snow melt, those rock balls started be appeared. This Champ Island is almost right on the North Pole. So there is almost NO ice and snow in North Pole, guys!

    Today’s Intellicast Radar shows the temperature of north tip of Greenland where is also POLAR circle, 54 degree (12 degree in celsius). With this kind of temperature, of course, all the ice will melt!

    In Sweden, they have the record high temperature 86 degree (30 degree in celsius!) in north side of their country where is almost POLAR region. They declared state of emergency for so many uncontrollable wildfires (actually Galactic Federation of Light’s secret reptilian underground base cleaning up operation).

    I tell you after all these ice and snow in both POLAR regions melt, much more water circulating the Earth, of course, we have more dramatic flood everywhere.

    Sweden struggles to contain ferocious wildfires

    Starting at 0:05 on the video above, you can see a beautiful pinkish UFO in the thick smoke.

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