The high hazard College Lake Dam in Lynchburg, Virginia, overtopped Friday morning, sending water barreling across a local road. Evacuations were ordered over fears that the dam could fail. By midday, water levels had receded but more rain forecasted could result in more flooding. If the dam were to completely fail, it would send enough water into the area to reach a depth of 17 feet in seven minutes.

More than 100 residences were evacuated in the Blackwater Creek Trail area in Lynchburg, Virginia, amid fears that the College Lake Dam could fail as water overtopped the dam and barreled across local roads.

By early Friday afternoon, levels had receded so the water was no longer overtopping the dam. They warned, however, that the potential remains for more heavy rains that could result in more flooding.

Should the dam completely fail, water levels in the affected part of the city could rise to 17 feet in just 7 minutes.
Earlier in the day, up to a foot and a half of water was seen flowing across Lakeside Drive and into Blackwater Creek after spilling out of the dam.

1024 pm Thursday: Our latest Flash Flood Statement on the status of the College Lake Dam. #VAwx
— NWS Blacksburg (@NWSBlacksburg) August 3, 2018
The dam was above capacity after storms dropped more than 6 inches of rain in just 24 hours upstream from College Lake.
Lynchburg has seen an exceptional amount of rain so far in 2018. More than 12 inches of rain have fallen on the city since June 1st, bringing the annual year-to-date total to more than 37 inches. That’s more than a foot above the average for this time of the year, making this the third wettest year-to-date at Lynchburg Regional Airport since 1945.
And it’s not over. Unfortunately, one final round of rain, potentially locally heavy, is expected in the Piedmont area of Virginia Friday before drier weather moves in for the weekend.

College Lake Dam was built in the 1930s and is listed among “high hazard dams” in need of repair in Virginia.
In Campbell County, about 13 inches of water was spilling over the Timberlake Dam spillway and a motorist had to be rescued from a vehicle trapped in high water.
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Weather – Developing Now: Dam Near Lynchburg, VA Above Capacity
Meghan Markle’s Reptilian eyes
Stop the video below at 1:22, you can see her eye slit (vertical line instead of round iris, humans have).
Strange Events Happening in America – US is Falling Apart
According to NASA, Central valley in California is sinking more than 2 inches a month??? There are so many cracks on basement of high rise buildings???
How about your house? Do you see any cracks in your house, or around your house?
When I lived in Clearwater, Florida, my house was having many cracks, and my oldest son told me “Some day, this house will collapse.” That house was made by blocks and concrete. It was easy to find those cracks compare to wooden structure. I suspected a sinkhole forming under the house because a creek was nearby turning 90 degree near my house. If some water streams coming toward my house, certainly sinkhole can be open. But there might be another reason my house got so many small cracks. Under our house, there was Reptilian Secret Underground Base. Beside our house, there was a suspicious 4 story high office building. One day, many military men and special agents came. Military guys were carrying oxygen tank on their back to go into the underground space where there is no oxygen, or may be some kind of gas filled in the underground space. While we were observing their movement, a female agent screamed at us “What are you looking? Don’t look!” It looked like they did not want us to watch what was going on under the office building. If those underground structures collapse, our house might be collapse, too.
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Today’s thunderbolt attacks map;t=3;s=15;o=0;b=0.00;ts=0;z=4;y=21.8843;x=-85.7248;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;
This happened on our Earth!!! 1-3 August 2018
In Summer!!! Snow In Saudi Arabia And In Europe Heatwave | August 03, 2018
KARMIC EFFECT is strong, right now! If you killed, you are going to be killed in order to experience what those victims went through in certain point in your life (or in next lifetime). If you know this law of KARMA, killing somebody (even in a war) is not your option. All the wars had been created by Reptilian Entities. They can get human blood and body supply from the wars they create.
During Serbians’ invasion into Bosnia, “around 100,000 people were killed during the war. Over 2.2 million people were displaced, making it the most devastating conflict in Europe since the end of World War II. In addition, an estimated 12,000–20,000 women were raped, most of them Bosniak”
Most of Serbian criminals got away from this atrocity they created. But they cannot get away from KARMIC effect. Look at the video below. The flood water carry all the cars (with drivers and passengers) owned by those criminals in Serbia. Time is coming they have to pay for what they did.
Severe Flash flooding in Serbia, žagubica – August 2, 2018
Give water and food to the landed illegal immigrants! Just cursing them looked so stupid!
Lynch-burg, this name suggest this city is inhabited by violent Reptilians or hybrids. The word, lynch means “A mob kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.” Reptilians love to hang humans. Well, this flood is purely because of KARMA of this city.
“-burg”, “-stein” and “-man” names are typical for Jews.
Zionist Rabbi, Abe Finkelstein “BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR MCDONALD’S”