Mystery as giant underwater alien city is discovered off Mexico


Don’t panic!

Some people have just found proof of an ancient underwater alien city off the coast of Mexico?

mysterious underwater alien city mexico, mysterious underwater alien city mexicovideo, mysterious underwater alien city mexico pictures
A new giant underwater alien city has been discovered off Mexico in the Gulf of California. Picture via Youtube video

A newly discovered 76-mile long ‘city’ has been found 45 miles away from the Mexican coast in the Gulf of California.

Through a video uploaded to YouTube, an UFOlogist uses Google Earth to pinpoint the exact location of the ‘alien city’- and it’s got conspiracy theorists very excited.

What are the chances of this being an intelligently made structure, you ask?

Well, Scott C Waring puts that at 100 per cent – despite his previous alien findings turning out to be a carrier bag, a water tower, and a shadow in the water on Google Maps.

But this time he’s 100 per cent sure you guys.

The blogger suggests it needs to be checked out with some submarine drones, saying it’s ‘no wonder we hear of so many UFO sightings over Mexico’.

I can definitely see some weird forms on the bottom of the ocean. And this mysterious alien city would explain all the UFO sightings over Mexico, right?

[Ufo Sightings Daily, Unilad]

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