LA is going to get cheap nighttime power from a massive solar and battery array in the Mojave


LA is going to get cheap nighttime power from a massive solar and battery array in the Mojave

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  1. Ugh….. How do we keep getting solar wrong?

    Solar panels don’t like heat.

    Batteries don’t like heat.

    DC power doesn’t like to travel long distances.

    Why does this keep happening? When will the stupidity end?

  2. Not to mention that lithium ion battery technology is not capable of effectively storing electricity on a large scale yet…

    If it were, this would’ve happened years ago.

  3. Hard to trust an article that states the workers union opposes this project when in fact it doesn’t. The LADWP can’t hire enough people so the union guys have all the work they can handle. The steam plants are not being decommissioned either, they are being repowered with micro turbine peaked units. Basic facts which the author neglects and instead spins for his own biases. Bad reporting.

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