Google says its AI detects 26 skin conditions as accurately as dermatologists


Google says its AI detects 26 skin conditions as accurately as dermatologists

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  1. This is a good start but they need to include the diagnosis of melanoma in their data set. This is a common concern that people have with skin lesions.

  2. Google also said “Don’t be evil” was it’s motto, well between the secret military projects and censorship/privacy scandals it’s seeming more and more evil, so I’d take what they say with some salt

  3. good then put it into an app for our phones. Dermatologists are expansive.


    > Skin conditions are among the most common kind of ailment globally, just behind colds, fatigue, and headaches. In fact, it’s estimated that 25% of all treatments provided to patients around the world are for skin conditions and that up to 37% of patients seen in the clinic have at least one skin complaint.

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