No, this is not a girl.
Doctors in Turkey have reported the case of a boy born without a penis.

A one-day-old boy was admitted to the Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Medical Faculty after his penis failed to develop during embryonic growth.
The condition is extremely uncommon and only affects one in 10-30 million live births. Only 80 cases of penile agenesis (PA) have been reported in the literature before.
Complete penile agenesis is a rare congenital genitourinary anomaly and is usually associated with other malformations such as gastrointestinal, cardiac, and musculoskeletal lesions.
This is the story about an English guy born with no penis too:
Despite a penis not being present, the newborn baby has “descended testes in well-formed scrotums”.
However, he had other problems not normally seen in patients with the condition. His medical team found that he had:
- An abnormal connection between the bladder and rectum (vesicorectal fistula)
- His flow urine was going the wrong way (or vesicoureteral reflux), which caused urine to build up inside him outside of his bladder, requiring surgery.
The doctors believe he is the first patient with a combination of all three problems.

The patient is in relatively good health.
The penis is an important organ in fertility, urinary an psychosexual structure of males. Penile reconstruction will be a good alternative for this patient.
Hopefully, the little boy will have a normal and joyful sex life later. [Urology Case reports, NCBI, IFLScience]