Rumors of a pending “false flag” nuclear attack in the western U.S. tomorrow, November 3, have flooded the Internet of late.
While most folks discount these rumors are wild-eyed conspiracy theories, radiation levels in several large western U.S. cities have spiked today . . .

The United States Air Force has launched a “Constant Phoenix” aircraft this morning in the western USA. That aircraft’s sole function is to “sniff” the air for NUCLEAR material relating to a nuclear explosive.
Maybe something really is up with this persistent rumor about a false flag nuke attack in the western USA tomorrow????
According to the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center, radiation levels in Spokane, WA, Corvalis, OR, San Francisco, CA, Salt Lake City, UT and Phoenix, AZ have spiked above the “typical” 3 month average in Counts-Per-Minute (CPM) of gamma radiation.
Station ID 5:912 Spokane, WA, US
CPM: current 402 Low 209 High 452
Average 271 (CPM of Gamma in energy range 600-800keV)
<deviation “282,333,422”=””>
Last updated: 2019-11-02 09:33:00 GMT-0400
Station ID 5:957 Corvallis, OR, US
CPM: current 290 Low 131 High 301
Average 177 (CPM of Gamma in energy range 600-800keV)
<deviation “181,219,276”=””>
Last updated: 2019-11-02 06:01:00 GMT-0400
Station ID 5:914 San Francisco, CA, US
CPM: current 258 Low 139 High 258
Average 166 (CPM of Gamma in energy range 600-800keV)
<deviation “170,186,211”=””>
Last updated: 2019-11-02 11:08:00 GMT-0400
Station ID 5:802 Salt Lake City, UT, US
CPM: current 227 Low 104 High 244
Average 139 (CPM of Gamma in energy range 600-800keV)
<deviation “144,160,193”=””>
Last updated: 2019-11-02 11:42:00 GMT-0400
Station ID 5:956 Phoenix, AZ, US
CPM: current 346 Low 235 High 348
Average 277 (CPM of Gamma in energy range 600-800keV)
<deviation “280,296,323”=””>
Last updated: 2019-11-02 10:55:00 GMT-0400
It is of note that San Francisco has now TIED its “high” radiation reading, and that Phoenix is just two points short of tying its “high.”
These spikes in radioactivity could all be by natural causes and these levels are not cause for any alarms.
They are being reported because of the rampant online rumors of a pending false flag nuclear attack in the western USA, and so keeping track of these numbers seems prudent before the fact.
You can track the radiation readings for yourself here. With this Constant Phoenix launch, there is maybe something really up with this persistent rumor about a false flag nuke attack in the western USA tomorrow? [Hal Turner Radio Show]
so you have taken a mother fucking technology that if something goes wrong you cant fix it.then you take the cost of the power plant and the radiation exposure and give it to the public that didnt want anything to do with it in the first contaminate our water supply and feed us food that is bad for you,make us work long ours in jobs that we dont want in the first place.youmakeusfight overissuesthat youknowcant be resolvedandkeepseveryoneagainst each otherbutit doesnt matter aslong asyouhave the brainwashed massesonyour side!youhave us vote for someone that doesnt matter because policy never changesandthe lies andthisagenda”the transgender agenda”isfuckingcrazy and you know it!but you will never get me to play make believe with you.i just cant find out what the real reason it transhuminism.i mean telling little kids that its alright to change their gender,cantbe healthy and who knows the long term effects it will have!