A snow apocalypse is currently hitting parts of japan.
Within three days more than 2 meters (6.6 feet) of snow accumulated on the Niigata and Gunma prefectures, isolating communities, disrupting powers for tens of thousands of households and stranding more than 2,100 cars on a highway.

Self-defence forces were called out to provide food, blankets and fuel to motorists after sudden record snowfall stranded hundreds of cars on the Kan-Etsu Expressway between Tsukiyono town and Yuzawa town, north of Tokyo, on the coast of the Sea of Japan.

More than 2,100 drivers were trapped inside their car for 17 hours and were forced to spend the night in their cars. At one point the line of vehicles stretched for 16.5km (10 miles).

Some even had to keep removing snow from the exhaust pipe to prevent potentially deadly fumes from entering their car.

“I hardly slept, and I was worried because I had absolutely no information about the situation. I haven’t eaten since last night, and I don’t have much water left. I don’t have any information on what is going to happen. I’m exhausted. I want to lie down and rest in a futon soon,” a man who was driving to Tokyo from his home near Niigata.

Some areas of the country have seen record levels of snow. The heaviest snowfall was centred on Niigata and Gunma prefectures, which had about 2 meters (6.6ft) of snow over three days.

Minakami in Gunma Prefecture had 217 centimeters over a 72-hour period to Thursday morning, while Yuzawa in Niigata Prefecture saw over 180 cm as of 8 a.m.

The Japan Meteorological Agency warned of more snow, avalanches and further traffic disruptions in eastern and central Japan, and coastal areas.
Meanwhile, the east of the US is also being buried in heavy snow. Look at the impressive pictures below:
More extreme weather news on Kyodo News, The Guardian, Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle.
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Bank Holidays are coming, either due major attack by cyber Russia , or by Dark Winter? Every one almost got a massage in North America that XXZD financial centers in your area may be closing or hours may be limited, modified, visit your XXZD bank main site. PLEASE GO TO YOUR MAIN BANK WEB SITE Check it out ?
This is shows the 10 years event of dark winter is already started , Also so vaccines
can destroy you. I wonder those health care workers in UK and USA and Canada
was paid part of crisis , actor, training. Actually they were not given VAX instead
neutral saline or similar solutions. Why not governors of North America not yet taken or any high officials , also WHO has not taken yet as well as UN REP?
It’s a con. The crisis actors/ paid shills get the placebo. The peasants get the vax bioweapon.
Then the sheeple take the vax, are sterilized, and develop autoimmune diseases as well as neurological issues. Then they die. Population pruning made simple.
Most people in snowpocalypse areas should be carrying roadside emergency preps.
Make your own. The ones you can buy are usually filled with crappy stuff.
Better if you will be making a roadside kit based upon your needs.
In a pinch you can use the exhaust manifold as a stove.
Take tin foil and make a pouch. Put in some meat, rice, and vegetables, close pouch. Next place pouch in a snug spot by engine and exhaust manifold.
Close your hood, turn on vehicle engine. If you are parked, and hungry—Your meal is about 30 minutes from your belly.
May as well have a warm meal if you are stuck in snow. You will be running the heat control while you idle to stay warm anyway.
I bet on Mount Fuji the slopes are packed. I know when snow was like that where I skied, I’d be hitting the slopes, and checking out the snow bunnies.
Of course, I was in my 20s, and influenced by some altitude and good beverages. ?