A gigantic sinkhole of more than 500 square meters collapsed in a loud booming noise just outside the Ponticelli Ospedale del Mare in eastern Naples at dawn on January 8, 2021.
The giant crater swallowed up several cars that were parked in front of the health center.
Meanwhile, the hospital has been evacuated.
Luckily, the search and rescue teams didn’t find any people in the chasm.
The blast was initially suspected to have been caused deliberately. Firefighters quickly ruled this cause and determined the blast was due to an underground explosion of a gas or oxygen pipe.
It is not yet clear whether an explosion caused the sinkhole to appear, or vice versa.
? #Napoli, prosegue l’intervento dei #vigilidelfuoco nel parcheggio dell'Ospedale del Mare per escludere la presenza di persone coinvolte nella #voragine che si è aperta stamattina intorno alle 7. Sul posto i nuclei cinofili [#8gennaio 9:30] pic.twitter.com/ybfpwJKfAU
— Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) January 8, 2021
In 2019, another giant sinkhole swallowed up a garbage truck in Naples.
A year before, a entire road in Rome collapsed swallowing several cars too.
More giantic sinkhole around the world on Strange Sounds and Steve Quayle. [Fanpage]
We need a sink hole in DC. Swallow up the swamp creatures and baby-eaters. Media too. 90% of ’em are dirty.
Now, all the people can see who the real traitors are—Yep, and even the peasants they hate. They want to play God with your life and soul. They are brainwashing children with poisonous ideas. Betcha God Almighty has a surprise for them too.
Rome is a great place. Food, women, architecture, gardens, and fun little grottos. The people were so friendly compared to the french fries.
For example, if you try and speak Itlaian, and it isn’t perfect, the people smile, and help you along. Try speaking imperfectly the french language to a parisian, and you get snotface looks. They smell too. Try bathing more frequently.