Sarah Mercer Bunner took this picture of the Wilson Church burning down north of Schuyler, Nebraska Sunday evening. Now enlarge the picture and check out the image in the smoke cloud! You can see the Church ascending into heaven…

Yes, it’s the spirit of the church…

And the soul of the church has lifted!

And do you also see a face right below the building?

Wow!! God is taking the church to heaven!
So why is there a house in the smoke with no nothing under? Some will say it’s like heaven opened up its gates and welcoming the church in… Others will say it’s a reflection of the structure that is on fire in a different part of the lens (or lense flare), with the glare from the actual flames being cut out in the secondary reflection. I prefer the first version… What about you? [Sarah Mercer Bunner, Nebraska through the lenses]
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It’s a camera lens flare. As the faint inverted image of the church is directly opposite and equal distance from the center of the picture, it is a lens flare – an optical effect present everytime there is a very bight light source present, like photos of car headlights taken at night…
Buildings do not have souls. Whatever it is, its not the soul of the church. Likely some kind of reflection.But if you ask me, I say its a ufo. The shapes in the sky do not match that of the church. The smoke seems to enhance whatever it is. Which we know that happens with smoke and light anyway. Smoke can make a light visible where it was invisible before.
There could be many explanations for this. But the “buildings soul”? I highly doubt it.
Oui les murs n ont pas une âme à eux.Ni une intelligence .Déception pour ceux qui sont amoureux de leur voiture. Des entités peuvent se trouver dans des murs mais du béton n a pas d âme.
lots of religions have said that places, buildings and even items have souls after a hundred or so years of without significant change.
That’s definitely weird.
See the church but not the face. Must be well hidden.