Ukraine has “biological research facilities,” says Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, when asked by Sen Rubio if Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons, and says she’s worried Russia may get them. But she says she’s 100% sure if there’s a biological attack, it’s Russia.
Ukraine has “biological research facilities,” says Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, when asked by Sen Rubio if Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons, and says she’s worried Russia may get them. But she says she’s 100% sure if there’s a biological attack, it’s Russia. pic.twitter.com/uo3dHDMfAS
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 8, 2022
U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says Washington is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into Russian hands. She just confirmed every conspiracy theory about the existence of those labs.
U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says Washington is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into Russian hands. She just confirmed every conspiracy theory about the existence of those labs. pic.twitter.com/ynkd7hW6iK
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 8, 2022
Here’s a map of their approximate locations in Ukraine:
Turns out fact checker Snopes was wrong… AGAIN! All third party news is automatically misinformation until the corporate media and fact checkers prove otherwise.
Secretary Nuland’s tiptoeing with her words here. She looks scared as hell that she’s gonna say the wrong thing. Here’s what she really means.
“biological research facility” = bioweapon lab…
The US media complex over the past 2 weeks #USBiolabs pic.twitter.com/U5eut8TcZC
— Definitely Not Clandestine (@ClandestineNot) March 9, 2022
Article 8 of The Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court (ICC) defines biological experiments as war crimes. The US, however, is not a state party to the international treaty, and cannot be held accountable for its war crimes. AND STILL SO NERVOUS?
But what are bioweapons?
Basically they’re weaponized versions of dangerous diseases, used to quickly kill a lot of people. Examples include: ricin, anthrax, and smallpox. Yes, that ricin. The undetectable poison you saw in Breaking Bad. In 1980, the WHO had officially eradicated smallpox through years of vaccines.
They allowed to show us this “top secret” laboratory. Imagine what they wont show us…
Wait a minute… isn’t Bill Gates releasing a new book about how to prevent the next pandemic? In 2021, he warned that bioterrorism could be worse than naturally occurring epidemics. He warned of smallpox terror attacks in particular.
Do you understand what this means?
Ukraine is now one of 18 countries in the world who have or are suspected of having bioweapons programs. This war’s stakes just got a lot higher.
I remember wondering why Russia would invade Ukraine… I understood that Putin was threatened by NATO and the west. But there seemed to be a key detail missing.
This could be it! Putin probably knew about the bioweapons in Ukraine and was waiting for an opportunity to destroy these weapons or take them for himself.
So if this was a fundamental reason why Putin moved forward… why wouldn’t he address this?
Putin spoke more about NATO expansion, which is his overarching objection and rationale for invasion. Moreover, new Intel documents show that Russia PROTECTED Donbass from a PLANNED Kiev attack and genocide…
He has objected to US bio labs in Ukraine in the past, but Western media called it Russian disinformation.
Putin aired out a laundry list of grievances and Western military intervention. One example was the US lie of WMD’s in Iraq as a pretext for invasion.
Perhaps he didn’t mention bio labs in Ukraine as a pretext for this invasion so he wouldn’t box himself in like GW Bush did with Iraq.
America: Our biolabs in Ukraine are purely defensive. Nothing to see here folks. ?… Also America: GOD FORBID RUSSIA CAPTURE THEM. ?
As already introduced in prior posts:
- US embassy just REMOVED all their Ukraine BIOWEAPON LAB DOCUMENTS from the website… Here they are…
- Russia is preparing to disconnect from the internet by March 11.
- WEF removed the Cyber Polygon page (Cyber pandemic) from its website.
- Russian spy ship, known to destroy underwater internet cables, has now disappeared from radars.
What if this war is a false flag to release the new epidemic? That would be torally crazy, no? [Reddit]
You should really subscribe to QFiles. You will get very interesting information about strange events around the world.

Knowing about this woman’s past involvement with regards Ukraine and Turkey, I believe she’s afraid that this current regime is about to be found out. Hypnosis, no. The violent coup she was involved in, in Ukraine in 2014 would not have taken place without the Obama/Biden/Clinton/WEF/Davos criminals. The demonstrations were peaceful until they injected poison into the protests. They organized Fascist/Neo-NAZI groups within Ukraine and incited violence in order to supplant a Davos choice of president by way of fraudulant election. The planning of the coup was exposed through a recorded telephone call between Nuland and Pyatt, bragging that she spent $5 billion to bring about the violent protests. The purpose was to use Ukraine to continue the pay for play schemes of Obama/Biden/Clinton and to destabilize both Ukraine and Russia for the purpose of control by the Schwab Globalist One World Government agenda. All one has to do is go to the WEF site to discover the members, past and present which will then be obvious to you the who and why. You’ll see that these people have bad intentions. In 2020, Putin gave a speech at the annual Davos WEF meeting in which he warned the other leaders of countries to NOT allow this group to have any control of their countries. He warned that the Sovereignty of their nations would be lost forever. Schwab in 2017 at Harvard, admitted he was “proud of Trudeau” and his organization has infiltrated many governments around the world. Schwab claims it’s for the good of the planet but I urge people to think. Their arguments do not hold water. Why would a one world government with this psychopath at the helm be good for the planet? Remember, he wrote, The Great Reset and is a strong advocate of depopulation, just like Bill Gates (who owns stock in Pfizer). The carbon footprint of the US has been the lowest of almost every other nation; wouldn’t it stand to reason that drilling our own oil would be more safe for the environment as well as less expensive than buyng from another country? Ever since we’ve been buyng oil from foreign nations, the cost of fuel has increased substantially. Is that what we want? The drilling for oil is highly regulated in the US so, why does the Biden regime want to buy oil from countries that do not practice conscientious extraction? Hasn’t drilling our own oil kept prices at an affordable cost? In addition, why did the Biden regime spend one billion in taxpayer dollars to the Press to NOT tell the public about the possible problems with the COVID Vax, to tell the citizens that it’s perfectly safe? Why did they instruct television news networks to NOT book any scientists or physicians on their programs who have grave concerns? What about the 55,000 pages of the Pfizer documents with nine pages of serious adverse reactions of the COVID Vax during the trials? Why did Fauci and Biden state that Pfizer is the US government preferred Vax? Don’t trust the fake news media and the Social Media Giants to get away with hiding history, information, documents and lying. Find a way to get that information, think for yourselves.
I think she was put into a hypnotic trance before she made the remarks on video. Watch carefully.