But lack of sleep can increase cancer risk. Either way you’re screwed…
Here’s the paper: The metastatic spread of breast cancer accelerates during sleep
The main finding is that the spread of cancer cells (CTCs) is far more prominent at 04:00 than at 10:00. Figure 1a: CTCs intravasate during the rest phase of the circadian rhythm. Basically, look how much more red there is than blue in all of these patients.
Moreover, CTCs generated during sleep are more likely to become tumors than are CTCs generated during wake. Figure 2c: The metastatic potential of CTCs is highest during the rest phase. Green is growth from sleep CTCs and red is growth from wake CTCs. As you can see, green is consistently greater than red, especially if these CTCs were put into mice during sleep (red timepoints) rather than wake (blue timepoints).
Why is this? The authors suggest that it’s because CTCs tend to express genes for cell division during sleep. Figure 3g: Rest-phase CTCs are highly proliferative. Note that in this figure, the blue timepoints correspond to the nocturnal mice being awake and the red timepoints correspond to lights-on, when the mice are asleep.
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What determines the rhythm of this gene expression? The authors identify glucocorticoid, androgen, and insulin receptors as playing roles in the regulation of CTC activity. Figure 4b–d: Dexamethasone, testosterone and insulin regulate CTC intravasation. This figure shows that they were able to influence the spread of cancer cells through these drugs.
Based on an article reporting on the same study, it seems likely related to immune activity:
“The fact that metastatic cells are more active at night is not accidental. Humans are a diurnal species and during the day we are more exposed to harmful viruses and bacteria than at night. This is why the part of the immune system that patrols the circulatory system is less active at night, when we rest. This partly explains why fever or asthma attacks tend to be more intense at night.
“During the hours of rest, other immune cells are activated, the neutrophils, which are fixed in the different organs and help to repair them. Cancer has its own circadian clock and it would be precisely at this time when the cancerous cells of the tumor leave the tissues and jump into the bloodstream, where there is hardly any surveillance.” [Nature, El Pais]
But lack of sleep can increase cancer risk. Either way you’re screwed…
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That is very strange. I always believed that when one rests or sleeps, that is when the body repairs itself. The brain too. It’s weird how cancer cells circadian rhythm metastasizes during sleep. Cancer really sucks too. Especially if you watch someone die from it.
Yes, the mother of my wife had it. Luckily chemo has worked out for her… We just don’t know how long…
Good that Chemotherapy worked on her cancer. Lucky.
As Everyone looks left the problem is on the right. As we now live in a wireless world and peoples homes are humming like a microwave oven with wireless devices literally 2.4 -5.8ghz. Bluetooth, Cell Phone, Wifi, Microwave and towers are all examples of frequencies that are causing massive amounts of cell die off during reproduction which in turn creates an overabundance of free radicals which your immune system can not process. All of those items I have described above are running the radiation at different strengths. That means at a cellular level your cell phone is doing to your cells what a microwave oven does to an egg. Canada under the Health and Safety Act code 6 raises the acceptable level of exposure every single time they up the power limits of frequencies. If you want to control your own health turn off all wireless devices off and protect your home. Its time to stop studying the symptoms and time to stop the causation. Free Yourself
Health Ranger has an interesting 5g article on his site now.