The heaviest rainfall in 80 years has pounded Seoul and surrounding regions, leaving eight people dead and six others missing, as well as flooding homes, vehicles, buildings and subway stations, officials said Tuesday.
Parts of Seoul, the western port city of Incheon and Gyeonggi Province that surrounds Seoul received heavy rains of over 100 millimeters per hour Monday night, with per-hour precipitation in Seoul’s Dongjak district surpassing 141.5 mm at one point, the highest downpour per hour since 1942.
The Korea Meteorological Administration said up to 300 mm of more rain is forecast for the capital area through Thursday, with southern Gyeonggi Province likely to see rains surpassing 350 mm.
The downpours left five people dead and four others missing in Seoul, while in Gyeonggi Province, three had died and two others had gone missing as of 11 a.m., according to the government.
Nine people sustained injuries in Gyeonggi Province and 391 people from 230 households in the capital area were left homeless and took shelter in schools and other public facilities.
In Seoul’s Gwanak district, three family members ― a woman in her 40s, her sister and the sister’s teenage daughter ― reported they were trapped in a submerged semi-basement home at 9:07 p.m. Monday but were later found dead.
In Dongjak, a ward office employee in his 60s died of what was believed to be electric shocks at 6:50 p.m. during clean-up work after a roadside tree fell down due to the rain.
An additional person was killed at 5:40 p.m. in a submerged home in the district.
In the city of Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province, one person was found dead trapped under the debris after a bus station collapsed, while one other died in the province after a landslip left him buried in earth.
The city of Hwaseong in Gyeonggi reported one person killed in a landslide at 4:27 a.m. Tuesday.
In Seoul’s Seocho district, four people went missing, some in a corridor of an underground shopping area and others down a manhole, while two others in Gyeonggi’s Gwangju remained unaccounted for after being swept away in a flooded stream.
The downpours also left many public facilities out of service, with eight cases of flooded railroads reported in Seoul, Incheon and elsewhere, and causing temporary suspension of services in sections of some railway and subway lines, including Seoul Subway Line 4 and the Gyeongin Line.
About 80 sections of the country’s roads, three underground roadways and 26 riverside parking lots were blocked for safety concerns.
Entry into 156 hiking courses at five national mountain parks, including Mount Bukhan in the northern periphery of Seoul, remain barred. Eight passenger ferry routes also remained out of service Tuesday.
Authorities also closed sections of some highways in Seoul on Tuesday morning, including the Olympic and Dongbu expressways.
Fire authorities also rescued 88 people from flooded streams in Gyeonggi and other areas, the government also said.
The interior ministry upgraded its flood damage watch level from “alert” to “serious” at 1 a.m. Tuesday.
As of 6 a.m., the country’s central and other regions were receiving rains of up to 50 mm per hour, with the accumulated precipitation in Seoul reaching 422 mm from Monday through 8 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration.
The Korea Forest Service issued landslide advisories in 47 cities and counties across the nation Tuesday morning, including in nine districts in Seoul, parts of Incheon, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, and North and South Chungcheong provinces. [Korea Times]
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Michael, the reason the New Madrid tears is South American is pushing on North America as it is moving to the west. Reason for the weird phenomena a couple of years ago off Brazil when the ocean retreated. That was reported on this site. At same time on the west coast of South America they had high tides. At any rate, the edge of the North American plate is out at the Atlantic Rift. It is tearing there from all the pressure to the west. When the New Madrid finally rips, it also rips suddenly at the Rift. Water rushes in and rebounds. We get a 50 or so tidal wave on the East Coast. UK, because of the direction of the Atlantic currents gets a much bigger one.
Antique Coloumbia was also has massive flooding in same day South Korea and North Korea had massive floods.. Iran 160 cities were also last week flooded and still Millions are displaced without any help indeed. The bloody regime in Iran is getting richer by minutes make atom bombs. Our hear goes to all flood places in EU ,UK and France and many many places since soon we will have full moon that itself is going bring more quakes 6 plus , floods, hurricanes, till Sep 4 2022 and New moon of Sep will be Sep 11 2022 in many areas. Please be nicer to each others and we all Americans need to work together if we love this country. Fate of this country is all at a sake of if we all get along or not we all survive.
100 millimeters per hour is like 3.5″ approx.
141 millimeters is around 5.5″ approx.
422 millimeters is around 16-17″ approx.
So, they are not having any drought in South Korea, which is good. Maybe they need some global warming for a while.
We are having another flash flood warning on the radio. Turn around, don’t drown, they say. All creeks and washes. Hazard to human life. Two weeks, same deal —every single day, after noon. Monsoon season does that every year.
Bagged two big fat Norwegian rats last night. As big as my shoe. 2lb size. Gonna feed the local friendly owls tonight. I bribe them so they won’t kill my chickens. I made them a big roost to hang out around my ranch. My first season I lost 16 chickens to owls. Then I healed one which fell out of his nest, or the ravens beat him out of his nest. He still hangs out here with his girlfriend now, and the baby grew up. So, they are happy campers, and like me to feed them.
No drought in sight. Waiting for more rain, setting more traps. Maybe, I should do another Raindance? / sarc.
2lb size ?!?
Hell the River Rats in Louisville KY are the size of short legged chihuahuas!
But on another note…we here in SC Kentucky are AGAIN under a Flash Flood Watch …the 5 billionth (feels like it) in 1 month. nAND we get annually 45-60 inches of rain. This year we are at 60 inches already and gaining every second/minute/hour/day/week/month…well you understand.
But HEY…we have MUD for sale now!!!
Signing off – Mr Quack Quacker!
Oh yeah. The New Madrid event supposed to create a 50-foot tidal wave on the East Coast. Several months ago, many reports observed them putting sandbags around the White House. Must be getting ready for Geoengineering:-)
The Madrid is in the CENTER of America not on the coast.
BUT when it does go wild time [7.5-8.5 Richter]…millions will die, bridges etc will be destroyed from center to +- 250 miles out. It will be felt from the Rockies in the West to Newfoundland in the East…from Hudson Bay in the North to Cuba [well that would be okay]. That is +- 75% of the ower 48 going updownsidetosideanddeeperandhigherandandandand…yoiu get the idea.
AND it will repeat that +- 4 more times…just for Fun ya know.
It’s not that we have an extreme weather event here or there. We could say that was normal. But we are having extreme events continuously all over the world. Soon folks will stop buying the lies and want to know what is really going on. The liars hope they can keep everyone calm until they are stuck in place. Basic rule: 100 miles from a coast. 100 miles from any volcano that’s been active in last 10,000 years. And 675 feet in elevation. This is what Government and Billionaires are doing.
We moved from Louisville KY, a bowl that will go Bye Bye in the Madrid quake to a SC Kentucky county that is ‘geologically stable’.
City Folks should get the hell out now cuz of two things…the coming food shortage and the Madrid [if you live in America].