Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for all of Florida on Saturday as Tropical Storm Ian gained strength over the Caribbean and was forecast to become a major hurricane soon on a track toward the state.
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DeSantis had initially issued the emergency order for two dozen counties on Friday. But he expanded the warning to the entire state, urging residents to prepare for a storm that could lash large swaths of Florida.
“This storm has the potential to strengthen into a major hurricane and we encourage all Floridians to make their preparations,” DeSantis said in a statement.
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“We are coordinating with all state and local government partners to track potential impacts of this storm.”
President Joe Biden also declared an emergency for the state, authorizing the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, to coordinate disaster relief efforts and provide assistance to protect lives and property. The president postponed a scheduled Sept. 27 trip to Florida due to the storm.
Governor DeSantis Delivers Update on Tropical Storm Ian https://t.co/q4IRQRRh2N
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) September 25, 2022
Stock up on Iodine tablets for the next nuclear disaster…
The National Hurricane Center said Ian was forecast to strengthen before moving over western Cuba and toward the west coast of Florida and the Florida Panhandle by the middle of next week. The agency said Floridians should have hurricane plans in place and advised residents to monitor updates of the storm’s evolving path. [AP News]
There’s video footage of a shark swimming in the streets out in Florida.
Yep, Florida gets hit on a regular basis. But what’s interesting is this is figured to be the worst storm in 100 years. By itself means nothing. But when added to all the other biggest storms in 100plus years, that means something. We’ve had Kentucky, Georgia, Dallas, Illinois and Death Valley as I recall receiving massive rain in a short period. Around the world there’s Pakistan, Iran, and parts of Italy getting 8′ to 16″ in two hours!! And then droughts everywhere. SW USA. Europe: The River Thames Headwaters for the first time in history dried up. The Rhine in Germany. The Po River in Italy. China in massive drought. Folks in New England have seen streams dry up. They have lived there their entire lives and never seen this. Down Under, the last couple years see constant floods. Before that they had heatwaves so intense, Giant Fruit Bats were dropping from trees dead. Roads were melting. In the NE, USA a couple years ago the heat so intense that roads were melting. They weren’t designed for that kind of heat because it never happens there. Of course, back then the 3 Gorges Dam in China was about to fail because of never record amounts of rain. Same with those in California. Taken all together, and something isn’t right.
Correction: NW USA
No huge hurricane will ever hit Tampa, caused the weather is STEERED from TAMPA, at the CENTCOM base there. Pretty simple.
So why not steer it away from Florida completely? Because they can’t.
All of CA’s rain has to go somewhere.
Florida always gets hammered. Most people that live there know the drill. God Bless DeSantis. I think he is great governor. If we had 50 like him America would be a great place. Instead we have corrupt dirtbags selling out their constituents and most are installed by dark money political satanists, like that sh*tbag, sørøs.
Now, we will have play-by-play hurricane news to saturate the airwaves. This disaster will be bad for Floridians, but will be used by media buttclowns as a distraction from the Nordstream sabotage, which could be considered an act of war!
That area that Nordstream 2 passes through is an active fault zone. An underwater Observatory was destroyed there in 2019. May not be as it seems.
Health Ranger has a perspective on Nord Stream. It’s a good read.
X CIA Director Brennon says it’s sabotage. Few if any words of truth come from this guy, so I bet the earth movement doing the damage most likely. But the Satanists want WW3 really bad, so will jump on anything to promote it. Never let a good crisis go to waste, as they say. Regardless the Europeans are in for very hard times. And they won’t succeed in starting WW3. Governments of the world too busy preparing for the coming Pole Shift.