French doctors on Monday extended their ongoing strike for another week, demanding increased fees and better working conditions as hospitals struggled to keep up with soaring demand.
Some of the country’s local general practitioners have been on strike for seven days.
They were set to go back to work on Monday but have now extended their strike through Sunday.
They are seeking an increase in the base rate for consultations from $25 to $50 and improved working conditions, specifically the ability to hire secretaries and to attract health professionals to neighborhoods where there is a shortage of doctors.
A protest march to the Health Ministry in central Paris is planned for Thursday, according to the group Doctors for Tomorrow. François Braun, the French health minister, has criticized the timing of the action, saying that the strike was particularly unwelcome while the country faces the triple threat posed by seasonal flu, the Covid epidemic and the respiratory infection bronchiolitis.
“It is a bad period, we live a week of all dangers,” Braun said. He said last week the entire French health system is under enormous pressure due to the strike’s timing.
Meanwhile, over in the UK, nurses also recently called for strike action, and which was the first time they’d done so, over similar complaints against their government.
The same politicians that today are rejecting the calls for additional support for the healthcare system were, just last year, proclaiming their adoration for healthcare workers, who were ‘risking their lives on the frontline’, and that people should come outside every evening to applaud them; however this winter is seems that scaremongering over Covid isn’t high on the propaganda medias agenda:
Des médecins déposent leur plaque et leur stéthoscope devant la préfecture d’Eure-et-Loir à Chartres pour dénoncer la crise du système de santé pic.twitter.com/aCQYsQkcV9
— Anonyme Citoyen (@AnonymeCitoyen) January 2, 2023
Meanwhile soaring energy costs, due to the anti-Russia sanctions, and the rather suspect issue of over half of France’s nuclear plants being ‘offline for maintenance’, are throwing other citizens out of business:
French baker—like many others—is losing everything. Lost his business. Electricity went from €1500 a month to almost €5000. Impossible to carry on. He’s probably going to lose his home too.
“There’s no point to go on living” he says.
Shame on our ‘leaders.’ pic.twitter.com/AubwxLTCqY— Nat (@Arwenstar) January 2, 2023
Covid Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants
The ‘vaccines’ have zero benefits. On the contrary, they are harmful. Scroll here.
Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?
The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity.
By Allysia Finley, Wall Street Journal, January 2023: :
Public-health experts are sounding the alarm about a new Omicron variant dubbed XBB that is rapidly spreading across the Northeast U.S. Some studies suggest it is as different from the original Covid strain from Wuhan as the 2003 SARS virus. Should Americans be worried?
It isn’t clear that XBB is any more lethal than other variants, but its mutations enable it to evade antibodies from prior infection and vaccines as well as existing monoclonal antibody treatments. Growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and could be fueling the virus’s rapid evolution.
Prior to Omicron’s emergence in November 2021, there were only four variants of concern: Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma. Only Alpha and Delta caused surges of infections globally. But Omicron has begotten numerous descendents, many of which have popped up in different regions of the world curiously bearing some of the same mutations.
“Such rapid and simultaneous emergence of multiple variants with enormous growth advantages is unprecedented,” a Dec. 19 study in the journal Nature notes. Under selective evolutionary pressures, the virus appears to have developed mutations that enable it to transmit more easily and escape antibodies elicited by vaccines and prior infection.
The same study posits that immune imprinting may be contributing to the viral evolution. Vaccines do a good job of training the immune system to remember and knock out the original Wuhan variant. But when new and markedly different strains come along, the immune system responds less effectively.
Bivalent vaccines that target the Wuhan and BA.5 variants (or breakthrough infections with the latter) prompt the immune system to produce antibodies that target viral regions the two strains have in common. In Darwinian terms, mutations that allow the virus to evade common antibodies win out—they make it “fitter.
Medical Martial Law and Full Martial Law of planet due to COVID-2023 and WW3 is coming soon?
Vaccine Safety Debate
The vaccine safety debate with the CDC and other federal health agencies has finally occurred!
Pfizer’s Documents: Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency
At least they do not lie against patients.. USA anarchy is started the doctors now must be recorded for justice… No peace no Justice… Hell to Doctors in USA that are ruthless and not caring for the Americans they drive to have best medical care at any time even at WW3 time.. Drug shortages sucks Americans and they can not be treated for this is shame less act now…
ah, la joie de la médecine socialisée.
Want to see a really funny French film?
Man Bites Dog.
You will laugh so hard your face will hurt.