The CDC is set to purchase 20 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines worth over $1.8 billion.

According to the document below, the order was preemptively organized in June predicting a “surge” in September.

Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Human Services is preparing new contracts for hundreds of millions of COVID-19 tests.

Below the notice of intent for the over the counter COVID-19 tests:
I wonder when they will be filling for billion of new chirurgical masks…
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Pls write a post about ‘new mutant Dengue outbreak’ in Bangladesh.
This is a waterborne disease.Its found in dirty or long unused waterpipes dirty water towers.
It’s not normally transmisable from person to person.
The average person can lessen their odds by allowing water to run for a few minutes before use.
Those 18 were likely maintenance tasked with shut down lock out of plumbing.Since any piece of machinery connected would be sterilized before and/or after transport.This shouldn’t be an issue.
No it’s a cold virus.
It’s normal for it to circulate in fall winter months.The timing of the estimate is normal and the amount is probably right.
It’s the real need for this that isn’t clear.Its a scam sham for cash.
Ask you this if we vaccinate for everything then doesn’t it stand to reason eventually we would weaken our own natural immunities?
They are marketing should I say dictating shots for people who are immune,who don’t have risk ,those who would have mild disease.This isn’t about health it’s about power and control
You think maybe because Covid is an airborne viral infection that, like flu, has shown an increase when the weather turns cooler and people are indoors, together, much more often? Or are you just the typical wingnuts scare mongering con artist?
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lithuania demands biological safety from the U.S.