Take Cover: In Iowa Even Blind People Are Allowed to Carry Firearms In Public


And even Stevie Wonder said in an interview early in the year: “Imagine me with a gun. That’s just crazy.” They call this antidiscrimination, I call this ridiculous and unsense!

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Iowa is giving people who are blind permits that will allow them to purchase guns or to carry firearms in public, the Des Moines Register reports.

“If you fire a gun, you pull it out, point it at the target and pull the trigger. I do not think you need to see something to shoot, ” says Michael Barber, a blind man.

This is just crazy

Some are against this law: “I’m not an expert in vision,” Delaware Sheriff John LeClere said. “At what point do vision problems have a detrimental effect to fire a firearm? If you see nothing but a blurry mass in front of you, then I would say you probably shouldn’t be shooting something.”

And some other for this law: “If sheriffs spent more time trying to keep guns out of criminals’ hands and not people with disabilities, their time would be more productive,” Wethington told the Register as he and his daughter took turns practice shooting with a semi-automatic handgun on private property in rural Cedar County.

But I will leave the final words to Stevie Wonder, this excellent blind musician.

“Imagine me with a gun. It’s just crazy!”

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