Hundreds of thousands of dead fish cover beaches in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica


Hundreds of thousands of dead fish are washing up dead on beaches in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica.

Alarmed officials are investigating the cause of the unexplained and widespread fish mass die-off in Piedra Santa beach, La Mona, Ensenada and Los Moragas.

costa rica fish mass de-off, thousands of fish dead in costarica, Miles de peces aparecen muertos en playas del Golfo de Nicoya, Autoridades investigan muerte de peces en el golfo de Nicoya

This fish kill isn’t localized to one single place. No, here we have a giant mass die-off that stretches over several kilometers of beaches around the Gulf of Nicoya. It’s not a local problem. It’s a global problem!

And here a video showing the extent of the fish kill from above! There are millions, I would say:

Thousands of fish were found dead on several beaches in the Gulf of Nicoya on Wednesday, but no apparent cause is known at this time.

All the fish are the same species (Galician sardine). At the moment, no other affected animals have been found.

costa rica fish mass de-off, thousands of fish dead in costarica, Miles de peces aparecen muertos en playas del Golfo de Nicoya, Autoridades investigan muerte de peces en el golfo de Nicoya

Officials have no detail on how many beaches are being affected by this phenomenon, but it is known that dead fish covered Piedra Santa beach, La Mona, Ensenada, Manzanillo and the Moragas estuary.

costa rica fish mass de-off, thousands of fish dead in costarica, Miles de peces aparecen muertos en playas del Golfo de Nicoya, Autoridades investigan muerte de peces en el golfo de Nicoya

Dead fish carcasses are now starting to smell really bad.

costa rica fish mass de-off, thousands of fish dead in costarica, Miles de peces aparecen muertos en playas del Golfo de Nicoya, Autoridades investigan muerte de peces en el golfo de Nicoya

Biologists from the National Coast Guard Service are traveling to the Caldera and Níspero beach in emergency to determine the cause of the death.

costa rica fish mass de-off, thousands of fish dead in costarica, Miles de peces aparecen muertos en playas del Golfo de Nicoya, Autoridades investigan muerte de peces en el golfo de Nicoya

This occurs after three other fish die-offs were reported in Chile, Colombia and New Zealand in the last 4 days or so.

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