It’s so hot in Argentina and Uruguay that thousands of cows and chickens fall dead from heat stress


While parts of the USA are frozen, thousands of animals are being killed by extremely hot temperatures in Argentina and Uruguay. Can you imagine that? Hundreds of cows falling dead in pastures and chicken asphyxiated in their farms as if their blood had boiled up and then evaporated. This is totally abnormal! This is completely crazy!

heat wave kills animals argentina uruguay ola de calor animales sin vida
Hundreds of cows died from heat stress in Argentina in the last few days.

The first video was recorded in Trenque Lauquen, Argentina and shows some of the 700 bulls that died at the ranch ‘La Calendaria’ due to the heat record of the last few days:

The second video was recorded by a local farmer in campo de América (Bs As), Argentina as he walks through his pastures and describes how his cows died during the heat wave of the recent days:

On January 30, 2019, about 100 animals died again due to heat stress at Liniers Market in Buenos Aires after the ‘meat’ auctions. Some 70 reportedly died shortly after the morning auctions and another 30 at the berth or trucks.

The deadly heat wave is currently hitting the entire Buenos Aires region with temperatures that exceeded 45°C degrees.

heat wave kills animals argentina uruguay ola de calor animales sin vida
Hundreds of cows died from heat stress in Argentina in the last few days.
heat wave kills animals argentina uruguay ola de calor animales sin vida
Hundreds of cows died from heat stress in Argentina in the last few days.
heat wave kills animals argentina uruguay ola de calor animales sin vida
Hundreds of cows died from heat stress in Argentina in the last few days.

It however seems that this wave of hot temperature has also reached Uruguay where more than 100,000 chickens have already died from consequences of the extreme heat. According to specialists, increased chicken mortality is normal in summer, but such a peak was almost unprecedented.e

heat wave kills animals argentina uruguay ola de calor animales sin vida
Hundred thousands of chickens die due to heat wave in Uruguay.

Extreme cold in the North and extreme hot in the South… A normal Winter/Summer? Or there is something else going on?

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[InfoHuella, Ganados y Carnes, Missiones Online, El Pais Uy, El Observador]


  1. well the last moon the wolf blood moon was said to be the moon of fenris that would bring with it Ragnarok. and then the desert faith texts list of events including 3 blood moons and a wolf moon along with an uptick in earthquakes and volcano’s and sounds form the sky that would hail in Armageddon. when a pagan faith and the 3 desert dogma’s agree with each other then it truly must be the end times.

  2. La planète X transformera la terre en un enfer surchauffé.
    Maintenant les nuages rouges semblent devenir de plus en plus
    commun sur la terre ces nuages sont les débris de la planète X
    et leur augmentation est due au système stellaire planète X
    et de ces noyaux accompagnés de leurs débris qui entrent
    de plus en plus nombreux dans l’atmosphère terrestre
    l’énergie de la terre étant absorbé par le matériau de la planète X
    qui continue à entrer dans notre atmosphère
    va faire augmenter la température de l’atmosphère
    et donc la surface de la terre va se réchauffer encore plus
    la terre se transformera en un enfer comme vénus
    quand l’atmosphère semblera être en feu .
    cela ne durera probablement pas très longtemps et la terre
    perdra aussi l’influence gravitationnelle ainsi le noyau de la terre
    à sont tour amènera la fin de toute la vie sur notre planète encore une fois la physique
    semble avoir été détourné par les pouvoirs en place qui aboutissent
    à des explications illogiques tels que le processus de diffusion pour
    les phénomènes naturels sur la terre mais la vérité c’est que la terre
    continue de perdre l’énergie gravitationnelle les nuages rouges qui semblent être aperçus
    un peu partout dans le ciel nocturne servent d’avertissement quant à ce qui va bientôt avoir lieu .

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