The Ring of Fire is heating up again.
The Popocatepetl and Merapi volcanoes erupted again on March 28, 2020.
Here are the videos:
Merapi volcanic eruption on March 28, 2020
A day after a violent explosion, the Mount Merapi – that I have actually climbed about 25 years ago – erupted again on March 28, 2020 at 7:45 p.m. local time.
The grey ash column rose up to 3000 m above the summit (± 5968 m above sea level) and dispersed westward.
The maximum amplitude of the eruption was 75 mm and it lasted 243 seconds.
Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia.
Popocatepetl eruption in Mexico
The Popo erupted again on March 28, 2020. The night eruption was recorded on video:
The eruption occurred 21:44 CST.
get prepraed for an upstick in volcanic eruptions due to solar minimum. Be ready and get prepared for the next volcano emergency.