At least these strange hovering sounds heard around Seinajoki, Finland have a known origin.
But I do not think all of the strange sounds heard around the world has the same cause!
The low tone, humming noises were recorded on March 6, 2012 between 01.20 – 01.33 (AM) in Seinäjoki, Finland. It turned out it was the power plant noise.
Comments from the author of this video:
[quote_box_center]Case solved! Phone call to Vaskiluodon Voima, Seinäjoki power plant gives answer. They had some problems and they must release some gas… theres nothing paranormal here…[/quote_box_center]
But more recently again, humming noises were also explained as is! A solution to our question? Nothing close I think! Our Earth is changing and chanting!