3-4 large mysterious loud booms rattled, shook and rolled over many parts of Tucson tonight, February 27 20013 at around 7:45PM. Nobody knows the source yet. Reference “boom” seem to come from W of Campbell, from Pinal County line to northern Green Valley, but they were heard from Oro Valley all the way to the Rita Ranch on the southeast side). Find here a video about this event.
Several calls were made to law enforcement agencies and to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. Officials are perplexed and say it was none of their aircraft that caused a sonic boom.
The fire department received also lots of calls, mostly from the west side of Tucson.
Variety of places to include mines, DMAFB, Pinal Army Nat. Guard, TIA, SW Gas, El Paso Gas, TEP were checked, but all are negative so far.
It seems there was something in the sky after the bang. It looked like alot of debris slow falling and shiny. A bomb? A meteorite explosion? An UFO explosion? A sonic boom? Thunder? A gas explosion? Earthquake booms? Earth groan?
Maybe there is a link with the loud boom heard around San Diego yesterday morning too.
Put some comments on my facebook page, I will search for the source meanwhile.
[…] Update: “Booms”, reported between 7:40 and 7:50 near Tucson, Arizona, remain a mystery across Southern Arizona since neither the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, Tucson Police, Tucson Fire and Davis-Monthan, nor Northwest Fire could confirm a source for the noise. The Pima County Sheriff’s Department also contacted agencies other agencies including nearby mines, the Pinal Army National Guard, Tucson International Airport, Southwest Gas, El Paso Gas, TEP, even Luke Air Force Base west of Phoenix, to no avail. A real-time look at the USGS map of seismic activity showed nothing in Arizona. No damages, but I am not buying that crappy sonic boom theory at all. I prefer earth changes, or some new military tests and trainings. Hope we will know soon! To know more about the Tucson booms, click here! […]