Our Earth Is Active: Large Earthquake, Large Sinkhole Formation, Mysterious Explosions – March 18 2013


Magnitude 6.1 Earthquake – 121km E of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands – March 19 2013, 03:29:00 UTCUSGS

earthquake southern sandwich island march 2013

A large sinkhole opens up in Bangor, Maine – March 18 2013

sinkhole bangor maine march 2013

A sinkhole big enough to swallow a Volkswagen opened up on Lincoln Street next to the Bangor Daily News parking lot on Sunday. The hole is about three feet deep and eight feet long. Orange cones had been placed around the hole to warn motorists.

Unexplained large explosion in Romulus Michigan – March 18 2013

meth lab explosion in romulus michigan?

Authorities: Man dead after fire, explosion at his mobile home in southeast Michigan. A Methlab explosion? – Click On Detroit

Large boiler explosion in Spokane Washington – March 18 2013

boiler explosion in spokane march 2013

As a result of the explosion and a need to secure utilities, the entire building was temporarily deemed untenable. An adult male was identified to firefighters early in the incident as a heating/ventilation worker during the initial assessment of the blast area. He received minor flash burns from the explosion and told firefighters that he was working on the natural gas boiler when the explosion occurred. The cause of the explosion is under investigation by WA State Labor and Industries and SFD Investigators. – NBC News

Unexplained home explosion sparks wildfire in Santa Cruz Mountains, California

A criminal investigation was launched after a home exploded under suspicious circumstances. Nearly 40 firefighters helped put out the blaze.

Unexplained gas explosion in Elmira, New York – March 18 2013

Police on the scene also reported a strong odor of gas. – Star Gazette

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