Huge hot water geyser erupts in parking lot in Smolensk Russia – April 11 2013 (VIDEO)


Cameras in Russia seem to capture everything from fiery meteors to crazy crashes.

The latest video was shot from Smolensk’s main square. And you are not expecting what you are going to see! Amazing!

Meanwhile in Russia, a giant and enormous Hot Water Geyser erupted from a parking lot in Smolensk. Watch amazing video!, geyser, geyser eruption, geyser eruption russia, hot geyser eruption smolensk, Hot water geyser erupts in Smolensk Russia (VIDEO), geyser eruption video, video of geyser eruption in city, amazing geyser erupts in russian city video, explosion after geyser erupts in russia, huge hot geyser opens up in smolensk russia april 2013, Massive hot water geyser erupts in parking lot in Russia, strange phenomena, strange phenomena russia, geyser parking lot russia april 2013, geyser opens up in russia, geyser opens up in russia april 2013, geyser smolensk russia april 2013, geyser eruption smolensk 2013, geyser eruption russia 2013, geyser eruption smolensk russia 2013, geyser eruption, geyser, russia, smolensk, Huge hot water geyser erupts in parking lot in Smolensk Russia - April 11 2013 (VIDEO), Amazing video of a massive hot water geyser erupting from under a parking lot in Smolensk, Russia and spewing water and bricks 100 feet in the air. Amazing!

It only took seconds for a small cloud of steam, appearing harmless at first, to erupt into a hot water geyser rivaling Yellowstone’s natural fountains.

Within minutes, a large flow of water flooded the parking area as a hot water geyser started spewing water, steam, brick-sized chunks of pavement and rocks hundreds of feet into the air.

If this happened in our backyard, we would be running out of town fearing another eruption of Vesuvian magnitude. Yet the locals in Smolensk seem only slightly disrupted, continuing to seek open spots in the parking lot despite the odd chaos mere yards away.

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