China Also Exports Its Dirty Air Pollution to U.S.


China’s export industry is responsible for dirty emissions that are blowing across the Pacific Ocean and contributing to smog in the United States.

pollution china, China's industry exporting air pollution to U.S., China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States, trade pollution from China to USA,  China's exports linked to western U.S. air pollution, china exports pollution to US. US pollution export, pollution from china to the US, Vehicles move slowly through heavy smog in Beijing on Thursday, January 16. China's manufacturing of exports generates pollution that harms air quality -- not only in Asia but also all the way across the Pacific Ocean in the Western United States, according to a new study,
Vehicles move slowly through heavy smog in Beijing on Thursday, January 16. China’s manufacturing of exports generates pollution that harms air quality — not only in Asia but also all the way across the Pacific Ocean in the Western United States, according to a new study.

About one-fifth of the pollution China spews into the atmosphere comes from producing goods for export to the United States and other countries, according to a new scientific paper entitled: “China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States” and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Winds blow pollutants from Chinese power plants and factories across the Pacific in about six days, where they boost levels of smog in the United States.

Los Angeles and parts of the eastern U.S. experienced at least one extra day of smog that exceeded federal health standards for ozone in 2006 as a result of emissions from export manufacturing in China, the study found.

Read more here.

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