A small earthquake shook South Carolina and Georgia late Friday, shaking homes and rattling residents hundreds of miles away. South Carolina authorities were inundated with calls of people reporting what they thought were explosions or plane crashes as the quake’s low rumble spread across the state.

The 4.1 quake happened at 10:23 p.m. EST. It’s a large quake for the area according to the USGS. Epicenter was 7 miles west of the town of Edgefield, S.C. , and it was felt as far west as Atlanta and as far north as Hickory, N.C., each about 150 miles away. Last April, loud booms and shaking were also reported in the same region after an earthquake.
Fortunately, the SC quake struck in a region (Edgefield County) where there are a lot more rabbits and deers than people.
There are neither damages nor injuries from the quake itself. Accompagnying this earthquake is an ice storm… Poor guys!
This map shows you the different fault lines in the US. Could be important!