The Ancient Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan is in Danger of Collapsing


Back in November 2013, I climbed on top of the amazing Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan.

And it may have been the last time!

Pyramid of the sun, Pyramid of the sun in teotihuacan photo, Pyramid of the sun in teotihuacan image, Pyramid of the sun in teotihuacan is collapsing march 2014, scientists believe Pyramid of the sun in teotihuacan is collapsing, Pyramid of the sun collapse, Pyramid of the sun is collapsing, Pyramid of the sun in teotihuacan. Photo: MCDA Library, Mexican Pyramid of the Sun could collapse, Mexico s Pyramid of the Sun in danger of collapse, Mexico's Pyramid of the Sun could collapse, Huge Mexican pyramid could collapse like a sandcastle, Mexico's great pyramid under threat of collapse
Pyramid of the sun in teotihuacan. Photo: MCDA Library

Nothing lasts forever, and the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico is no exception. Recent research suggests that this massive structure, built in the city of Teotihuican, is in danger of collapsing.

This is sad and preoccupating! When scientists scanned the inside of the pyramid, they found a giant pile of dust. The 3 million tons of stone that make up the pyramid are supported by little more than soil, and one side of the soil is much less stable than the other.

How long the pyramid has left is a question for future research and a lot of debate. So, if you’d like to visit, might want to start planning a trip.

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