This photograph of a mysterious flying object flying over Amarillo, Texas, was taken on March 10, 2014. Defense aviation spcialists are baffled by this unprecedented but real sighting! What could it be?

According to Aviation Week, this is the first time since 1956 that this has happened. So about 60 years after the British newspapers revealed spy flights of the Lockheed U-2o over the Soviet Union.

Aviation Week’s defense expert Bill Sweetman describes his unexpected sighting as follows:
Three of us here – myself, Graham Warwick and Guy Norris – concur that the photos show something real. […] The aircraft seen here was accompanied by two others. This and the fact that Steve picked up some apparently related voice traffic suggests that the aircraft is piloted: I doubt that you’d dispatch three large, classified unmanned aircraft anywhere in formation. […] It’s not merely logical to expect that numerous classified aircraft programs exist: it’s almost a necessity under the principle of Occam’s Razor, because if they don’t, you have to contrive some sort of explanation for what Area 51 has been up to all these years. One avenue of speculation is to look at gaps in the USAF’s line-up.
So what did they witness?
Could it be a resurrected the A-12 Avenger II (maybe flying back to Area 51)?

Could it be a B-2 high-precision aircraft?

A Boeing Phantom Ray?

Or just alien saucers flying by!

So what do you think about this strange sighting? What is this weird flying object over Amarillo, Texas? A Visiting UFO? Or a military classified aircraft?