Terrifying Videos of the 8.2 Magnitude Earthquake in Chile – April 1 2014


When you translate the title of this Youtube video, it doesn’t sound apocalyptic at all: ‘Terremoto en Chile – Restaurante en Arica‘ or in english: ‘Earthquake in Chile – Restaurant in Arica’. Now look at the first video!

What do you think about the title now? It’s only when you watch these videos that you understand how apocalyptic and terrifying such an event may be! Here another footage in a shop this time… But without screams. Less scary!

OFMG! When you see this, you are happy that only 6 people died! Imagine if this would happen in Yellowstone!

tsunami chile video, earthquake chile video, tsunami chile, earthquake chile, tsunami chile video april 2014, earthquake chile video april 2014, tsunami alert after huge earthquake in Chile - April 2 2014, terrifying videos of chile earthquake april 2014, april 2014 scary earthquake video, apocalyptic videos of huge chile earthquake april 2014, april 2014 chile earthquake and tsunami, video of earthquake in chile april 2014, Earthquake and tsunami alert along South American coast after massive earthquake in Chile - April 1 and 2 2014.  PHOTO: AFP /ERNESTO BENAVIDE
Earthquake and tsunami alert along South American coast after massive earthquake in Chile – April 1 and 2 2014. PHOTO: AFP /ERNESTO BENAVIDE

According to Epoch Times, Iquique has now been evacuated after another huge quake (7.8 Magnitude) stroke yesterday.

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