Abandoned Ghost Town Discovered In Great Smoky Mountains National Park (VIDEO)


A hiker has discovered an abandoned ghost town in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

It may have been left untouched for over 100 years! Pretty amazing, no?

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A hiker has recently discovered an abandoned ghost town in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

This may be the discovery of a lifetime! Jordan Liles, while hikking in the beautiful Great Smoky Mountains National Park has discovered a seemingly forgotten town the woods. Look at the haunting picture and video of this ghost little town located a mile up an unnamed gravel road inside the park in Elkmont, Tennessee. According to Jordan, this place was once known as the ‘Wonderland Club.’

Here the abandoned ghost village video summary: In searching to discover what lies at the top of the mountain where an abandoned chairlift ends, I learned that the real story is down at ground level. What began as a hike to the peak ended up resulting in so much more. Tennessee Mountain View documents an important part of the history of Gatlinburg.

More information relative to this ghostly project

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