Look at these amazing pictures and video of this sunset sky over Kairouan, Tunisia!
I think there is no more than one explanation: It’s HAARP in action!

This weird cloud formation amazed people during Saturday’s sunset at Kairouan, Tunisia.
Pretty weird, no? Have you ever witnessed some spiraling clouds like those?

Looking at them just one comes to my mind: HAARP! Or could it be geoengineering?

Haarp and chemtrails go hand in hand, you can’t have the one without the other.
HAARP indeed uses the particulates in the air.. moving it around, pushing dry air down to move storms, deflect air currents, all sorts of stuff.
This crazy madness gotta be stopped!
[…] Hopefully this is not all geoengineering. […]
[…] Watch a manufactured sky with HAARP in action! […]