With all the booms that have been going on there have been a lot of questions!
Mystery booms are geological. Here a cover up of historical booming noise from oldest to most recent reports! Pretty interesting!
USGS themselves even admit geological booms as a reality. “Earthquake Booms” is a quote from themselves.
They go on to say “no one knows for sure what causes them“. However they are well documented throughout history.
Once such example was the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812:
[quote_box_center]There are accounts of “artillery”-like sounds that were said to have occurred before or during the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812.[/quote_box_center]
18 months prior to the 7.3 earthquake in Charleston, South Carolina of 1886, booming noises had been reported:
Increasing booming noise before the 8.1 earthquake in Assam 1897:
Rumbling noises just before the terrifying 7.8 earthquake in San Francisco in 1908:
The earthquake booms had also been reported preceding the Caldiran-Muradiye 7.3 earthquake of 1976:
This information can be retrieved from a Science magazine article entitled ‘Natural Explosive Noises‘.
- These booms are natural and well documented throughout history.
- There’s many reports where BOOMS and unexplained sounds preceded massive earthquakes.
- Lastly such occurrences happened in the 1800s and early 1900s before “fracking” and “haarp”… Not everything is to blame on man!
As loud booms preceded many massive earthquakes throughout history, it wouldn’t be that far off to think and consider there is a massive plate adjustment pending.
[…] Strange Sounds says big booms historically precede big earthquakes. […]