Yellowstone National Park’s Boiling River feels hotter this winter and has been increasing slightly since August 2014.
But not only Yellowstone is becoming hotter, the Popocatepetl and the Colima volcanoes have also a enhanced activity. So is this synchronicity alarming?

This first video explains officials measure increasing temperatures in the Yellowstone River over the last week! There is no doubt that Magma is surfacing thus raising the temperature of the water. Magma is moving all over but the Yellowstone river runs north to south out of Montana. Officials may be covering the fact the extreme temperature rise at Big Thumb Creek due to more ground rise in the lake:
Moreover dome 55 located at the bottom of the inner crater of the volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico has considerably increased over the last hours. Moreover, 8 explosions and 101 exhalations have been reported and measured:
Finally over the last days of February 2015, and that without any rest, the Colima volcano erupted almost daily, with one of its most active days being February 25th when it exploded three times in series:
So what’s going on? Is everything normal or a Yellowstone eruption could happen any day now?