Another giant crack just opened up in Mexico


There is another giant crack that is opening right now in Mexico!

The crack is about 1 kilometer long and up to 1 meter wide and was supposedly created by a large landslide.

giant crack mexico 2015, giant crack mexico august 2015, crack mexico august 2015, earth crack oaxaca august 2015, oaxaca crack 2015, mexico trench august 2015
Photo of the giant crack forming in the district of Oaxaca, Mexico

The huge trench appeared after a strong landslide on a road between San Mateo Tunuchi and San Francisco Higos in the district of Oaxaca on August 11, 2015.

At least 10 families live in the secluded area. The State Coordination of Civil Protection of Oaxaca (CEPCO) will determine whether or not residents have to be evacuated.

In September 2011, the population of Santiago and Santa Cruz Mitlatongo had to be relocated due to a similar landslide caused by water accumulation.

Yout remember the giant Earth crack that collapsed last year, again in Mexico?

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