The water of the ocean along the beaches of Fortaleza, Brazil have truned blood red.
As if an animal mass die-off had taken place. But don’t worry!
Of course, this mysterious red tide is not linked to any doomsday scenarios, but is probably due to the high concentration of an algae present in the near the beach or some chemical reactions caused some products spilled at sea.
[…] A red tide or algal bloom is a natural phenomenon creating the red discoloration of marine waters caused by the presence of enormous numbers of certain microscopic flagellates, especially the dinoflagellates, that often produce a potent neurotoxin that accumulates in the tissues of shellfish, making them poisonous when eaten by humans and other vertebrates. […]
Why all the picture not from Brazil? You included pics from china and Australia. Why?
True because this phenomenon occurs all over the world!