Halloween asteroid: Newly discovered asteroid will make surprise flyby at unusually high velocity on October 31


The large 2015 TB145 asteroid was discovered only on October 10, 2015 by the Pan-STARRS I survey.

And it will make a surprise flyby at an unusually high velocity on October 31, 2015.

asteroid flyby halloween, halloween asteroid, asteroid flyby on Halloween 2015, newly discovered asteroid will flyby on earth on october 31 2015, asteroid halloween 2015
An artist’s view of an asteroid flyby. And this on Halloween.

As announced by NASA: […] 2015 TB145 was discovered on 2015 Oct 10 by the Pan-STARRS I survey.

This is the closest approach by a known object this large until 1999 AN10 approaches within 1 lunar distance in August 2027.

The last approach closer than this by an object with H < 20 was by 2004 XP14 in July 2006 at 1.1 lunar distances. 

The encounter velocity is 35 km/s, which is unusually high.[…]

This Halloween asteroid, most probably of cometary nature, should be one of the best radar targets of the year. So get you a telescope right now.

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