What is this terrifying and mysterious sound video called 11B-X-1371?
A sign of the nearby apocalypse? A numbers station? A message from the future? All we know right now is that it is totally crazy.
This mysterious video was captured at the abandoned Zofiówka Sanatorium in Otwock, Poland.

Look at the figure, it moves around the room, makes nonsensical hand motions, while listening to a terrifying strange sounds.

What are these numbers, codes, symbols and equations meaning?

The sound was first publish by the website Gadgetzz.com. And second later, the entire internet community wanted to know the mystery behind these numbers.

First, the binary message in the video’s description means “Te queda 1 año menos,” or in English, “you have one year less.” OMG.
Then after passing the audio file through a spectogram, the visual representation of what he got was a creepy:

And what about these other scary images revealed by the spectrogram analysis:

And this line of text clearly saying: “You are already dead.”

A frame-by-frame breakdown of the video reveals hidden lines of code which turn out to be coordinates for the White House.

But the mystery remains… So is this an elaborate prank, a warning about the incoming apocalypse? Well, in any cases, this unexplained video is terrifying.