This image was leaked by Wikileaks and shows the symbols and logos used by pedophiles to identify sexual preferences…

One of those symbols clearly appears on the Sheriff’s badge, at five different points of the 6-point star…
Yes, you got it! The BLogo aka ‘Boy Lover’, appears five times on the badge as shown below…

According to a powerpoint presentation ‘History behind the badge‘ by Deputy John Williams the current design started in 1948.
I just wonder why they chose that design… [PowerPoint]
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We ask all to boycott Epic Economics to due his videos are repeating and low quality. It damages
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Epic Economist @PeterSchiffChannel 532K subscribers epiceconomist.com Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Recently uploaded Popular 24:06 30 Biggest Bankruptcies In The Retail…His videos are causing his readers a lot of eye problems, such as retina detachment, glaucoma, cataracts due to his low quality videos with a lot of dak dots flashing all his videos causing his readers to have a lot of eye problems. We ask Peter Schiff to immediately address this emergency issues or we will give second warning and third warning and then he needs to deal with YouTube… We love you but your videos hurts and pain and aches the watchers to go through. Please kindly address it as soon as possible… is this a psycho operations run by him? We can not see his videos any more just listen to him due to causing a lot of eye strains and after that we still see black dot flashes..? We ask all to send this request to him to address it urgently.
The question should be;
Why is the badge in the shape of The Star of Satan!?
It is not. This is a Hexagram (hexa = six), the satanic star is an inverted Pentagram (penta = five).
Well, look up 666 + hexagram. See the mathematical values?
The inverted pentagram is also a star assigned to devil worshippers.
Page full of information, Bee.
Many people are not hip to the 666/hexagram mathematical significance, yet. Same with pedo symbols. People are waking up to it and KM.
It is part of Satanic nature of NWO.. Also the illuminate and each PR of USA are member….
And why do they wear the Star of David? Is that a requirement or part of the loyalty oath?
We have hexagrams in the form of six pointed stars on U.S. old coins. Usually there are 13 representing the 13 colonies. Morgan dollars, Barber half dollars, gold coins and quite a few more too.
The badge was designed in 1948. NAMBLA didn’t exist in 1948. This is some fool who stumbled on to this trying to pass it off as legitimate work in hopes of keeping his paycheck! It is pure meaningless bulls hit top to bottom and left to right. It was written purely as an attempt to create a new controversy! NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS!
Well, fbi listed pedo symbols. Good time to update badge design then? Obviously, they know the design has been co-opted by pedos. Same way the homos co-opted the rainbow.
Exactly, it’s been through many many changes…one more wont hurt.
This symbol is OLD…much older than NAMBLA…and I beleive much older than the suppossed 1997 origin of the BLogo.
While the BLogo was “supposed” to have be designed around 1997, my mother who grew up in Cali from age 8 and up was told by her grandfather “if you ever want to see something strange, go to San Fransisco”…. I would add L.A. to that.
I never understood why nambla was not outlawed from the beginning. Later I realized we have an infiltration in all pillars of society by sick degenerates. Politics, Law Enforcemnt, Religious, Media, Banking, Judicial. Almost every facet. Used to be perverts took jobs as decorators and florists. Those days are long gone.
Holy Crapo,
PopePedoCommie wears the symbols too. ? He needs to step down and Repent!
Well, awakened people are posting here today. ?
Yeah perverts and homopedosatanists are coming out of the woodpile now.
Of course, billions of people despise them, and the media buttclowns that throw shade to them. Those aren’t great odds when the SHTF.
America is coming to an end, you all will suffer and burn in a pit of molten lard. Your people deserve what it gets and no longer will the American be a place of ambition, it’s going to become a place of guilt. You all deserve to burn in hell, corrupting the rest of the world via your demented ways. Manuel, you got a special place where you’ll be a bitch slave due to your autocracy. Death to you won’t be swift but long and enduring, same with the lunatics you support. You choose your dialect to what’s displayed, you’re worse than MSM
Get off your dope, you sound asinine. Double posted too, like a retard with your other fake account. Your IP address will show Manuel who you are too. Stupid fa99ot.
America is coming to an end, you all will suffer and burn in a pit of molten lard. Your people deserve what it gets and no longer will the American be a place of ambition, it’s going to become a place of guilt. You all deserve to burn in hell, corrupting the rest of the world via your demented ways. Manuel, you got a special place where you’ll be a bitch slave due to your autocracy. Death to you won’t be swift but long and enduring, same with the lunatics you support.
I was wearing a Carhartt jacket one time and a woman in an elevator asked me what that symbol means (The Carhartt C on the jacket). I was out of it and said something like “Oh, they have been around for a long time.” Immediately after I realized why she was asking. Had to be. She was one of those kooks that think child molesters are walking around wearing badges. I should have said, “Oh, that just means I like to sodomize children” (or something equally offensive).
Anyway, those law enforcement badges all over the country with those designs are of Masonic origin. Which, of course, is problematic itself. But the LA PD does not need child abuse symbols to identify each other.
That’s LASO badge. LAPD has a different badge. Still they all have freemason infiltration and that is not so good as we know.
Carharrt makes great work clothes. Everybody in MN wears them. The best. I had the coveralls with quilted insulation. Lasted a long time. Fabric is tight weave so subzero cold won’t pierce fibers.
Last time I was in LA, I was very young, 1989 we visted some relatives in L.A….outside of a restaurant where the adults were still sitting and talking inside, us younger members were outside… someone pulled up offered my 3 year old Cousin dollar bills to get into their camero ( Attempted Abduction), as she started going towards the car, I scooped her up and we all ran inside the restaurant…
Even before that, In that same restaurant, some wakadoodle server ( different person) very wierdly told my red haired cousin how good he looked…
2 places I felt the same very weird feeling, even stranger than L.A./ Hollywood Proper: A) Long Beach B) Delphi, Greece…I’m guessing it has something to do with residual impurities of what was done there at one time ( human Sacrice in the case of Delphi).
I am so not surprised they have occult homosexual refrences on the Sherrif’s Deputies badges…thank you for drawing it to my attention.
That triangular logo is the official logo for NAMBLA…a public, unabashed, boy-rape organization. I first heard of NAMBLA on the Oprah Winfrey show when I was a kid, decades ago. It was disgusting to hear what they proclaimed. Of course, Oprah has her own organization that perverts and kidnaps girls in South Africa. The largest center of child trafficking on the entire continent of Europe, by the way, is Ukraine.
Pukraine supposedly traffics in adrenochrome too. Sørøs H.Q.
This information has been around for well over a decade. Most police departments and fire departments are “Fraternal Orders.” All those millions of missing children on milk cartons: stolen and trafficked. From CPS to every “judge” to the highest offices of the land, ALL servants of lucifer. Those who still ‘”love” the USA (so-called “patriots”) will be judged with her.
Pa.tri.otism is pagan idolatry and a Luciferian cult, no matter what nation it’s for. If you love a manmade piece of designated land/”Christian pa.t.riot” idol(s), you’ll end up in the lake for fire for eternity. It’s so hopeless seeing “Christians” praising and supporting Lucifer’s Masonic manmade kingdom (USA Babalon and all her geopolitical sons and daughters) and even worse, “Christians” profanely and violently opposing all opposition to this antichrist-like, global, pagan religion of pa.t.rio.tism. Total zombies. They’re focused on Trump and Desatanis and their NWO plans – in cutesy “antiwoke” candy coatings – instead of Yah.