Extremely rare swarm of 7 powerful earthquakes rattles Morocco


A powerful 6.1 magnitude earthquake shook the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Morocco on January 25, 2016.

It was then followed by a swarm of 6 moderately strong aftershocks ranging from 4.6 to 5.3 in magnitude. Strange roaring noises were heard. Pretty rare over there, no?

morocco earthquake, morocco earthquake swarm, Strong Earthquake Strikes Mediterranean, morocco earthquakes, morocco earthquake january 25 2016, morocco stron earthquake, , Strong Earthquake Strikes Mediterranean january 25 2016, Location map of the earthquake swarm that struck off Morocco in the Mediterranean Sea on January 25 2016.
Location map of the earthquake swarm that struck off Morocco in the Mediterranean Sea on January 25 2016.

As shown on the map all epicenters are close to each others off the city of Al Hoceima, Morocco. The strong M6.1 tremor occurred at 4:22 am (UTC). The swarm began at 4:30 am (UTC) with a M5.0 earthquake followed by a M5.3 at 4:34 am (UTC), M4.6 at 5:03 am (UTC), M5.1 6:10 am (UTC), M5.3 at 6:54 am (UTC) and M4.7 at 8:25 am (UTC).

A M5.1 earthquake was reported in the same area on January 21, 2016. Otherwise the last quake (M4.3) in northern Morocco were captured exactly one year ago, on January 25, 2015.

That demonstrates the rarity of this swarm.

morocco earthquake, morocco earthquake swarm, Strong Earthquake Strikes Mediterranean, morocco earthquakes, morocco earthquake january 25 2016, morocco stron earthquake, , Strong Earthquake Strikes Mediterranean january 25 2016, Location map of the earthquake swarm that struck off Morocco in the Mediterranean Sea on January 25 2016.
Some light damages related to the series of strong quakes. VK

The earthquake was felt in northern Morocco, in the south of Spain, in the north-west of Algeria, as well as in the south of Portugal.

morocco earthquake, morocco earthquake swarm, Strong Earthquake Strikes Mediterranean, morocco earthquakes, morocco earthquake january 25 2016, morocco stron earthquake, , Strong Earthquake Strikes Mediterranean january 25 2016, Location map of the earthquake swarm that struck off Morocco in the Mediterranean Sea on January 25 2016.
A crack in a building after the swarm of quakes off Morocco. VK

People also heard strange roaring noises and booms, the so-called earthquake booms.

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