Heavy rains at the top of Santiaguito volcano generated strong lahars in the bed of the Nima I River.
The bed of the river got suddenly filled up with plenty of pasty fine material containing with blocks of 50 to 70 cms, trunks and tree branches, and a hot mudslide with a width of 30 meters.
Lahars are part of the activity of the Santiaguito volcano due to the amount of rain in the volcanic area.
Imágenes de lahar bajando del Volcán Santiaguito hoy a las 14:13 horas. Foto enviada por nuestros observadores pic.twitter.com/SZpYDkMEQN
— INSIVUMEH Guatemala (@insivumehgt) 13 juin 2016
Downpours drag the volcanic material from past eruptions and daily activity.
Here an example of a lahar at Santiaguito volcano in June 2014:
and here under the bridge Castillo Armas in June 2014 again:
Take care!