Worldwide volcanic unrest confirmed: Again 13 different volcanoes are erupting right now


Worldwide volcanic unrest is confirmed by the Smithsonian Institution – Global Volcanism Program weekly.

Again 13 different volcanic eruptions have been mentioned in the weekly report by GVP dated 21-27 December 2016.

volcano, eruption, worldwide eruption, eruption 2016, eruption january 2017
Mount Etna showing signs of activity on January 1, 2017. Picture via Instagram

Sinabung, Indonesia: 21-22 and 26-27 December.

Sheveluch, Kamchatka Peninsula: 16-20 December.

Sabancaya, Peru: 21-26 December.

Kilauea, Hawaii: lava flows during 21-27 December.

Fuego, Guatemala: 21st and 24-27 December.

Dukono, Indonesia: 21-26 December.

Copahue, Chile-Argentina Border: 21-23 December.

Bagana, Papua New Guinea: 22nd and 25-27 December.

Langila, Papua New Guinea: 21-24 December.

Kliuchevskoi, Kamchatka Peninsula: plumes containing small amounts of ash on the 26th December.

Ebeko, Kurile Islands: 27th December.

Bogoslof, Aleutian Islands: 21st, 23rd, and 26th December.

If you live around one of the numerous volcanoes around the world. Get prepared! Accurate predictions of eruptions are just elusive.

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