Yesterday, I was exposing that a M6.4, followed by a M5.2, earthquake hit near Tanaga volcano.
It seems that the unrest continues with more than 33 earthquakes – 9 of them between M4.5 and M5.0 – rumbling the area.
Tanaga volcano hasn’t erupted since 1929.
Just a few hundred miles below, near Adak, another series of strong quakes is currently hitting since yesterday morning:
M 5.7 – 94km SSW of Adak, Alaska
M 5.9 – 88km SSW of Adak, Alaska
M 5.4 – 81km SSW of Adak, Alaska
M 5.4 – 92km S of Adak, Alaska
What is currently going on in this remote volcanic area of the Aleutian Islands?
[…] changes in coastal regions, this earthquake has caused no damage to Japan. There is currently a swarm of earthquakes along the Aleutian Islands… Large seismic unrest in the northern part of the Ring of Fire. FULL […]