This is just another megacryometeor!?!
Yes, a family had a lucky escape when a huge block of ICE – megacryometer – fell down from the sky in a loud bang to leave a huge crater in the middle of their garden in Scotland.

A family had a lucky escape when huge block of ice fell from the sky and crashed into their garden, leaving a massive crater.

The megacrometeor struck the garden with a “big boom” and shook their home on September 26, 2017.

As reported by a family member: “I was sitting at my desk and heard this big boom. I thought it was an explosion and I felt the house shake. When I went downstairs the dog was acting strangely. I looked out of the window and saw a hole with white stuff in it. It was splashed all over the grass. If anybody had been out in the garden, it could have killed them. We just don’t know where it came from. It’s a complete mystery.”

The resultig crater in the middle of their lawn measures 4ft 7in by 3ft 11in.

There source of the strange phenomenon is still under investigation, but experts suspect the ice may have cme from a passing aircraft, but this is relatively rare: approximately 25 ice falls per year are reported to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
But there have been reports of huge chunks of ice before the existence of aircraft. Megacryometeor research is controversial.