The seismic activity has reached a frightening low. The last M6.0 or higher earthquake hit several days ago after a period during which such powerful tremblors were almost a daily normality.
And now that. This large iridescent cloud appeared in the sky over Toluca, Mexico on October 4, 2107. And such clouds also formed minutes before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. A sign for the next powerful earthquake?
Earthquake clouds are CLOUDS claimed to be signs of imminent earthquakes. Rainbow clouds have already been described in antiquity, like extrordinary clouds appearing just before the earthquake. A few scientists claim to have observed STRANGE clouds associated with a seismic event. AND THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THESE BELOW PICTURED IN MEXICO YESTERDAY!

Having no ‘Big One’ is actually good. There is neither destruction nor people dying. But this lack of strong quakes indicates that energy accumulates along the different fault lines around the world. And this energy will necessarily end up with an earthquake whose magnitude will exceed M6.0 on the Richter Scale.
The only open questions are where and when the energy will be released. US? Mexico? New Zealand? Japan? China? Turkey? Italy? Chile? Or a country where no one expects such a cataclysm…
Smaller rainbow sighting early am in the eastern sky in Rhode Island Friday morning. Most likely leftover residue from chemtrails…
Very clearly chemtrails!!! Whoops, I mean geoengineering…..
The HAARP Radiation puts the clouds of those colors, and then waves are drawn on those clouds. In this case, the radiation goes directly to the ground, and comes from space. Depending on the intensity of the HAARP radiation (shock waves) to the ground, it will be after the earthquake of strong and deep. The vibration of a HAARP earthquake is vertical. The vibration of a natural earthquake, is horizontal. The depths may vary according to the intensity of that shock wave against the ground. A HAARP earthquake The depth in that shock wave is between 0 and 10 or 11 kilometers deep. As we all know, the more superficial the jolt, the more deadly it will be. HAARP SOB!!
Looks like a Chemtrail to me. Seen a few like this painted over the Sun over the years. Just like oil / petrolium spirits on water can give a rainbow like effect, so these aerial plutants can look somewhat attractive at times. Pollution is still polution though, no matter how nice it looks.
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