The world’s billionaires are spending lot of money on preparations for the end of the world.
Given recent catastrophic events including three devastating Atlantic hurricanes, serious earthquakes in Mexico, and apocalyptic wildfires in Western United States, it would be a matter of basic prudence for the common person to consider putting in at least basic provisions to weather a natural disaster.
Earth is a living organism. And right now, all eyes are on the Pacific ring of fire, as a growing list of volcanic eruptions and tectonic tremors are pointing to a potentially major event in the near future.
The ring of fire is a massive circle of volcanoes along the perimeter of the Pacific ocean basin. Made up of 452 volcanoes, the ring of fire marks the edges of a tectonic zone where the Pacific ocean floor rises to form the western edge of North and South America and the islands along the eastern edge of Asia and Australia. It spans nearly 25,000 miles in distance and is the world’s primary source of earthquakes and volcanic activity.

The entire population of Ambae is being moved from the path of the “increasingly active” Manaro volcano. On the Indonesian island of Bali, more than 144,000 people have been taken to shelters as authorities warn that Mount Agung could erupt at any time.
In the Americas, two major earthquakes in Mexico have caused widespread damage, followed by the increased of volcanic activity of the nearby Popocatepetl volcano. In recent days, other volcanoes in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Vanuatu, Japan, Indonesia have been becoming active.
Experts are pointing out that significant pressure has been building up along the San Andreas fault for decades now. Swarms of quakes have been detected in Yellowstone – more than 2300 quakes – and Idaho, causing serious concern about the possibility of the eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano.
Cascadia seismic zone
Of particular note in recent events are activity along the dangerous Cascadia subduction zone, which could produce a mega-thrust earthquake of magnitude 9 or higher along the coast of Washington State, Oregon and British Colombia.
Megathrust earthquakes occur when enough energy (stress) has accumulated in the “locked” zone of the fault to cause a rupture known as a megathrust earthquake. The magnitude of a megathrust earthquake is proportional to length of the rupture along the fault. The Cascadia Subduction Zone, which forms the boundary between the Juan de Fuca and North American plates, is a very long sloping fault that stretches from mid-Vancouver Island to Northern California.

An earthquake along this fault line would be catastrophic for the heavily populated regions of the Pacific Northwest. Scientists have discovered that major earthquakes happen here an average of every 240 years. The last major Cascadia earthquake was 315 years ago… So a big one is OVERDUE!
It is hard to know if the current seismic and volcanic unrest along the Ring of Fire will have an impact on this fault. You just better be READY if it is the case
[…] то время как «Огненное Кольцо» было в огне, от Strange Sounds звучит предупреждение о том, что череда катастрофических событий вдоль […]
Maybe a major cataclysm is the best thing after all. What with over 7 BILLION people on this planet — the majority qualifying as the “useless feeders” written about.
What is going on with the Mississippi river? The San Madrid Fault? I read one, (1) article, that said and showed, in pictures, signs of, the river draining? This is so important folks: how do you kill millions of hungry people, even billions, cut them off from their water. Really, what can be more important than water to living things? What can be more devious than a government or body of a government telling people all the water belongs to the government, arresting people for collecting -rain water? Using the Police and Military to keep people from harvesting water on their own property. Oh but, we really do have a bunch of murderous, low life, men, running things in ‘their’ nation, deciding law in ‘their’ courtrooms, demanding we must pay them for ‘their’ water; we, should be afraid, very afraid and mad as we can be. Mad enough to storm their strongholds and drag them out, tar and feather them and let them go thirsty for a while, see how they like it. Of all the ways to die drowning may be the best, dying of thirst is -the worst, the most misery, the most miserable, way to die, of all. How is the people whose religion insist the ‘meat must suffer’ are running things in our world, can we not find creatures more compassionate, more law abiding, to run the affairs of our government? If we, well, it is too late, but, if we could change things today then we should get rid of the whole bunch of them and put in their place one or two people who really care about humans and all life on Earth, care enough, to at least insure life on Earth need never have to die of thirst. Water above, water below, yet millions of women and children are dying of thirst, today?
What Bullsh*t. Fires and hurricanses are completely unrelated to the ring of fire. Alarmist bullsh*t. If the article was legit they could simply have posted a google map with markers at every recent geothermal event that would display details when clicked on, to show the location and number of events. But instead they post a map with a lot of red on it. What idiot editor approved this garbage?
Please check out the videos of Jeanine Sautron, on YouTube, that help to explain last day events.
There is a super volcano named Chato, in Costa Rico, that will definitely play a part in the fulfillment of the fifth trumpet, and the sixth seal.
There’s another on one sat sublimely under Naples in Italy, a region where ground levels are reported to be rising at such a rate that harbour mooring is almost redundant without either a deep keel with no ballast or a long ladder.
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Interesting, no?
[…] volcanic eruptions and tectonic tremors are pointing to a potentially major event in the near future. The ring of fire is a massive circle of volcanoes along the perimeter of the Pacific ocean basin. Made up of 452 volcanoes, the ring of fire marks the edges of a tectonic zone where the Pacific ocean floor rises to form the western edge of North and South America and the islands along the eastern edge of Asia and Australia. It spans nearly 25,000 miles in distance and is the world’s primary source of earthquakes and volcanic activity. READ MORE […]
[…] volcanic eruptions and tectonic tremors are pointing to a potentially major event in the near future. The ring of fire is a massive circle of volcanoes along the perimeter of the Pacific ocean basin. Made up of 452 volcanoes, the ring of fire marks the edges of a tectonic zone where the Pacific ocean floor rises to form the western edge of North and South America and the islands along the eastern edge of Asia and Australia. It spans nearly 25,000 miles in distance and is the world’s primary source of earthquakes and volcanic activity. READ MORE […]