Huge swarms of jellyfish invade Crimea, turning Balaclava Bay into an bubbly and slimy alien mass


Jellyfish are creepy looking, sometimes dangerous, and are now poised to take over two-thirds of planet Earth. After conquering numbers of other countries, huge swarms of jellyfish just invaded the Balaclava Bay in Sevastopol, Crimea, turning the area into an bubbly and slimy mass on November 12, 2017. As shown in the video below, there were so many whitish, semi-transparent sea creatures that it was hard to see past the top layer of the water surface.

The huge population increase of jellyfish is major for three main reasons: All jellyfish love agricultural waste dumped into the ocean. They also reproduce better in warmer ocean water. Finally, we ate too much Omega-3 and overfishing has triggered the jellyfish uprising by killing off huge amounts of the tuna, sharks and turtles that usually prey on jellyfish and their eggs.

jellyfish invasion crimea, jellyfish invasion crimea video, jellyfish bloom november 2017
An intense jellyfish bloom has swamped the waters of Balaclava Bay in Sevastopol, Crimea, turning the area into an bubbly and slimy mass.

Oh, and did we mention that one of the species exploding in population is the box jellyfish, a variety previously found in the waters off northern Australia? And that many of these things possess 6-8 foot long tentacles covered in venom that can kill a human in three minutes?

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