This is no fantasy! A super volcanic explosion could alter the course of history as already shown in past recent geological history. Previous estimates suggested that super-eruptions happen roughly every 45,000 to 714,000 years, but a new SCHOKING study found that they could be much more frequent… like every 17,000 years or so. This we are overdue for such a cataclysmic eruption since the most recent super-eruptions occurred between 20 and 30 thousand years ago.

Jonathan Rougier, professor of statistical science at Bristol University, said: “On balance, we have been slightly lucky not to experience any super-eruptions since then. In 2004, our colleagues published the first evaluation of this kind, in which super-eruptions should take place every 45-700 thousand years, which exceeds the lifetime of our civilization. Our calculations show that they occur on average once in 17 thousand years. This suggests that mankind was incredibly lucky – the last such event happened 30 thousand years ago.”
Earth’s volcanoes are now considered one of the key “conductors” of our planet’s climate. They can raise the temperature on its surface, throwing huge masses of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and to reduce it, filling the atmosphere with particles of ash and aerosols microcephaly reflecting the rays and heat of the Sun.
Humanity in the entire brief history of its existence has already experienced several such disasters. For example, the eruption of the SUPERVOLCANO Toba, which occurred about 70 thousand years ago, led to the occurrence of a “volcanic winter” for a few years and an almost complete disappearance of people. The same power of the events occurred in New Zealand, 27 thousand years ago, 240 thousand years ago, as well as in California 760 thousand years ago.