The first explosive eruption of Shinmoedake volcano in 10 days was so powerful it produced the first pyroclastic flow of the Japanese volcano in latest eruptive episode (video)


Today, March 25, 2018, was the first explosive eruption of Shinmoedake volcano in 10 days and what for an eruption! It produced the first pyroclastic flow of the Japanese volcano, which started erupting at the beginning of the month. Explosive eruptions were recorded at 7:35 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. on March 25, and smoke and fumes rose to 3,200 meters. The pyroclastic flow was confirmed following the second explosive eruption. The pyroclastic flow has stretched over a distance of about 800 meters west of the crater but did not approach any residential area.

Eruptions began on March 1 with intermittent explosions from the crater, but this was the first recorded pyroclastic flow.

eruption japan volcano march 25 2018, firstpyroclastic flow japan volcano march 25 video
Smoke and fumes rise above Mount Shinmoedake on March 25 after the first explosive eruption in 10 days. Picture by Asahi Shimbun.

Explosive eruptions were recorded at 7:35 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. on March 25, and smoke and fumes rose to 3,200 meters. The pyroclastic flow was confirmed following the second explosive eruption. The last time an explosive eruption was recorded on Mount Shinmoedake was March 15.

eruption japan volcano march 25 2018, firstpyroclastic flow japan volcano march 25 video
Smoke and fumes extend out over a large part of Mount Shinmoedake on March 25. Picture by The Asahi Shimbun

The alert level for the volcano has been maintained at 3, meaning people should stay away from the 1,421-meter mountain. Moreover, local residents were urged to be cautious about pyroclastic flows within an area of 2 kilometers from the crater as well as for large flying rocks within 3 kilometers of the crater.

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