Apocalyptic scenery: Flash floods wash away streets in Lake Linden, Michigan in pictures and videos


That is apocalyptic! Strong floods washed away streets in Lake Linden, MI in Houghton County on June 17, 2018. These aftermath pictures by Steve Haagen are just amazing! 

lake linden, lake linden floods, lake linden washed away june 2018, streets washed away michigan
Apocalyptic scenery after flash floods destroy streets in Lake Linden, Michigan on June 17, 2018. By Steve Haagen
lake linden, lake linden floods, lake linden washed away june 2018, streets washed away michigan
The street looks like a rocky river. By Steve Haagen
lake linden, lake linden floods, lake linden washed away june 2018, streets washed away michigan
The stronf flash flooding also transported large boulders. By Steve Haagen
lake linden, lake linden floods, lake linden washed away june 2018, streets washed away michigan
Everything got washed away by the torrential floods in Lake Linden, Michigan on June 17, 2018. By Steve Haagen

lake linden, lake linden floods, lake linden washed away june 2018, streets washed away michigan
One road in Lake Linden is gone! By Steve Haagen
lake linden, lake linden floods, lake linden washed away june 2018, streets washed away michigan
The flash floods were sudden and very strong. By Steve Haagen

Prayers for the victims! And always be ready and prepared!

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Just amazing flooding pictures from Lake Linden, MI in Houghton County. Courtesy: Steve Haagen


  1. I live in Lake Linden. Most of those shots labeled lake linden are shots of Houghton & Hancock over 10 miles down the road.
    Only about 3 photos are correct everything else is wrong as listed.

  2. Passerby Alerts CA Tesla Driver to Fire Coming from Car

    Hollywood director and producer Michael Morris was driving his Tesla down Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles on Friday afternoon when a couple flagged him down to alert him about something happening to his car.

    It was on fire.

    Morris’ wife, actress Mary McCormack, tweeted a video of the electric car shooting flames from underneath the vehicle near its front tires. There was no collision before the blaze, which ignited “out of the blue,” McCormick said in her tweet.

      • These 2 earthquakes hit in the middle of the highly populated area in Osaka. According to USGS, one of them (M4.6) was exactly 10km depth that was the signature shallow depth of the cleaning up operation by Galactic Federation of Light. Since 2011, there were so many earthquakes with depth 10km just! Another quake (M5.5) was depth 10.9 km.

        Osaka is the 2nd biggest city in Japan. That means the reptilian secret bases around Osaka should be the 2nd biggest in Japan. I was born and lived for 30 years in Japan. I tell you there are many reptilians and hybrids there, too. They might be nastier than American ones. That was why I got out of Japan. In Japan, people are more heavily programmed zombies who work hard and watch TV for rest of the days.

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