The Soputan volcano has started erupting in Sulawesi, Indonesia, just after the island was struck by a deadly and catastrophic M7.5 earthquake on September 28, 2018. It is unknown if the earthquake has triggered the eruption. But these are two major geological phenomena to hit Sulawesi within 5 days. A lot of activity over there right now. People keep safe!

The PVMBG has increased the alert level of the volcano from 2 to 3 / Siaga, with a restriction zone of 4-6.5 km radius around the summit.
OMG that first video is crazy!
Video ini HOAX. Ini bukan lava Gunung Soputan. Gunung Soputan meletus pada 3/8/2018 pukul 08.47 WITA. Tapi tidak mengeluarkan lava keluar dari kawah. Abaikan dan delete jika menerima video ini di medsos.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) 3 octobre 2018
According to seismometers data, the seismicity under the volcano has suddenly increased from 2-6 events to 851 events on October 2, 2018.

The eruption took place on October 3, 2018 1:00am local time and ejected an ash plume more than 4,000 meters in the air (5,800 meters asl). The maximum seismic amplitude was 39 mm and lasted about 6 minutes.
A volcano has erupted on Sulawesi island in Indonesia, the same island devastated a by an earthquake and tsunami that has killed more than 1,200 people.
The Soputan volcano is about 600 miles from the region affected by the quake and tsunami.
— ABC News (@ABC) October 3, 2018
Three further eruptions occurred at 10:44, 11:12 and 11:52 respectively, accompanied by ashplumes of 2,000 m, 2,500 m, and finally 5,000 m. above the summit, respectively.

The Vona was increased in stages from yellow on October 2, to orange on October 3 at 9:09, and red at 12:18.

Just a few hours before Soputan, on October 2, 2018 Anak Krakatau also erupted strongly. The below video by CNN shows this nightly eruption as well as other pictures of the Soputan eruption.
Take care and be prepared for any volcanic eruptions around you…
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Magma Indonesia – Peningkatan Status Gunung Soputan, Sulawesi Utara pada 3 Oktober 2018 pukul 01:00 WITA
Magma Indonesia – Erupsi Gunungapi Soputan (Sulawesi Utara) 3 Oktober 2018
VONA – Soputan volcano red alert
Sulawesi M7.5 and tsunami death toll climbs to 1 407, Indonesia
On this article, you can see the model showing how the tsunami affected and spread the area.
In some area, the liquifaction made earth like a quick sand, and bury houses under 10 feet of mud.
Another video of Soputan Vocano eruption with disturbing scene. Viewer discretion is advised.
Volcano Soputan Sulawesi Indonesia – 3/10/2018 – 3
On the video above, the dead bodies people were picking up looked like a rock just like the stoned bodies in Pompeii. Just only one day is the enough time that dead bodies become stoned with Pyroclastic Surge Death? It is amazing. We might be able to see more volcanic activities near cities in the future, and all the human bodies will be stoned within one day.
This is amazing! Just now, I have received “Presidential Alart” testing to my cell phone. US Government is preparing for the emergency and disasters just happened to Indonesia. US has not been very much affected by volcano eruption nor earthquake yet. But I am sure that it will happen soon or later. Now is the Earth change time, the end of the time on 3D Earth.
More Soputan Eruption video
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